Chatbots make it easier for Website Visitors to navigate to their Destination


6. Betriebsferien-Chatbot


Auch wenn du in den Betriebsferien bist und nicht die Möglichkeit hast, innert kurzer Frist zu antworten, kann ein Chatbot deine Ferienvertretung übernehmen und Tag und Nacht für dich die Stellung halten.


Der Chatbot kann während deiner Abwesenheit potenzielle Kunden beraten, Termine vereinbaren und Kontaktdaten sammeln. Kommst du dann aus den Weihnachtsferien zurück, erwartet dich eine zweite Bescherung an potenziellen Neukunden!












Viele KMUs oder Agenturen nutzen die Zeit über Weihnachten und Neujahr, um eine kleine Pause einzulegen. Viele Kunden oder Lieferanten sind während dieser Zeit ebenfalls in den Weihnachtsferien oder haben zumindest die Produktion reduziert. Dennoch nutzen potenzielle Kunden die ruhigen Tage zur Online-Recherche und gelangen auf deine Website.




Das sind 6 Ideen, wie du den Chatbot als saisonalen digitalen Kontaktkanal einsetzen kannst. Starte noch heute mit deinem Chatbot – die Erstellung und Integration in deine Website sind super einfach.


Innert weniger Stunden ist dein Weihnachts-Bot live!

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insights · Veröffentlicht am 7.9.2021

You are proud of your website, because it contains everything worth knowing about your product and service range, all nicely presented and stored on different pages of your website. But still, the customer service phone is ringing all the time and your employees have to deal with countless simple and recurring questions every day, for which the answers could actually also have been found on the website?
You and your company are not alone facing this problem. Many organizations from a wide range of industries are in the same situation. Despite offering good information, they complain about high bounce rates among their website visitors and have to put up with their employees wasting a lot of time answering standard inquiries by email or phone, which they could much better invest in handling more complex concerns or in personal customer service.

A chatbot can receive your customers on the website around the clock and guide them independently to the relevant information on your website.

You can solve this problem by getting a digital employee on board. A chatbot can receive your customers on the website around the clock and guide them independently to the relevant information on your website. In this way, your bounce rate can be massively reduced and a large proportion of customer inquiries that would otherwise be received by phone or email will be resolved conclusively by the digital assistant.

A successful example: the Cantonal Hospital Baden

The Kantonsspital Baden (KSB) has a very comprehensive website that provides well-prepared information for its diverse target groups and contacts. Unfortunately, the KSB also had to make the experience that its users had trouble or did not have the necessary patience to find the information they were looking for on the website on their own. Many took very little time to search and instead immediately bounced back to contact the hospital by phone or in writing. KSB recognized this problem and set a goal to significantly improve the customer experience of their website users and make it easier for them to find information. Read how they were able to achieve this goal in just a short time with the help of a concierge chatbot here.

Increasing the customer experience paired with employee relief

Websites are often structured in a complicated way and offer their information on the various topics on numerous subpages that are not always very clearly laid out for outsiders. Nowadays, however, people are used to everything happening very quickly and to having the information they are looking for on their smartphone in a matter of seconds at the click of a button. If they have to search for a long time, this severely disrupts their customer experience and they often bail out immediately, call or quickly write a message in Messenger or by email. In any case, such inquiries must then be handled by an employee.

As a digital guide, it then leads the customers to the information they are looking for (...)

The chatbot performs the concierge function on your website and welcomes visitors. As a digital guide, it then leads the customers to the information they are looking for after a short question-answer exchange or even answers the questions directly in the chat window, sometimes independently and finally. This efficiency delights the users and at the same time also the employees, who are largely spared the processing of simple but time-consuming standard questions.

The advantages at a glance:

  • The chatbot takes over the concierge function and receives your website visitors
  • Positive digital customer experience
  • Fast automated response to simple standard requests around the clock
  • Reduce bounce rate and increase dwell time
  • Reduction of inquiries via other channels such as telephone or email
  • Professional, fast and proactive information of the customers
  • Happy employees who are relieved of standard requests and can devote themselves to more exciting and complex concerns

Conclusion: Great added value for both sides

The chatbots with their guide function are very popular with customers after only a short time, because they help them to find the information they are looking for quickly and efficiently around the clock and answer questions frequently asked by customers right away on their own. In this way, they provide a greatly improved customer experience. Customer service staff benefit just as much, because they are significantly relieved of standard inquiries by phone or email. A clear win-win situation! Read more about the topic here or contact us if you are considering adding a digital employee to your team!

Jörn Skerswetat has many years of experience in the field of software with a focus on digitization and automation of customer service organizations. As an expert in new technologies such as chatbots, he develops comprehensive and value-added solutions for companies.

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