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aiaibot news update

Hier berichten wir Ihnen über Neuigkeiten aus der Software Entwicklung, spannenden Kunden-Projekte und vielem

Something Powerful

Tell The Reader More

The headline and subheader tells us what you're offering, and the form header closes the deal. Over here you can explain why your offer is so great it's worth filling out a form for.


  • Bullets are great
  • For spelling out benefits and
  • Turning visitors into leads.

aiaibot Academy ist da!

In der aiaibot Academy finden Sie Videos und weitere Informationen rund um die aiaibot Software. Die Academy wächst und Sie können im Academy Chatbot Feedback geben, falls Sie ein bestimmtes Anwendungsvideo oder weiterführende Tipps wünschen.

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October 2023

Update #3/23

In the third update of 2023, our CTO, Ingo Steinkellner, reports on platform news from development.

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June 2023

Update #2/23

In the second update of 2023, Ingo reports on new features in the platform and exciting projects.

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May 2023

Talk #2/23

In our second aiaibotTalk, Ingo Steinkellner, our CTO, reports on the highlights of the platform, its further development and the decisive project phases. You can also look forward to an update on our features and an explanation of the...

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March 2023

Update #1/23

In the first update of 2023, Saphir reports on the currently discussed topic of ChatGPT, the optimization potential for companies and our robot module.Ingo presents the latest feature developments and explains the Reporting Suite tool.

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October 2022

Update #3/22

In the third update this year, Saskia reports on the recently launched chatbot projects such as those of Unia Arbeitslosenkasse, Luzerner Kantonalbank and the two banks Cler and Berner Kantonalbank. In particular, the hot topic of QR-bills...

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February 2023

Talk #1/23

In our first talk of the year, Tom Buser, our CEO, talks about the potential of artificial intelligence in customer service. You will also find out what role we at aiaibot play here. Of course, you will also get an insight into our...

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July 2022

Update #2/22

In our second edition of this year's News Updates series, Lara, Laura and Ingo report on the latest go-live projects from various industries - we are excited about the chatbot at Tierpark Bern and the further development of the bot at WAS...

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April 2022

Update #1/22

In this video, Lara, Saskia and Ingo report on the aiaibot highlights of the first, exciting and productive months in 2022. Learn more first-hand from chatbot professional Saskia about the latest bots from various industries - we are happy...