The Target Audience of your Chatbot Plays an important Role




What do such personas look like?


To create a persona, you start by analyzing demographic data such as age, gender, occupation, status (married or single), place of residence, and neighborhood. However, the definition is not limited to these rather superficial characteristics.


It goes into more depth and also takes into account points such as personal characteristics, interests, needs, typical behaviors, communication (preferred media/channels, online affinity), the motivation for certain actions and decisions, and possibly points of frustration about certain actions and decisions - on the part of the customer and on the part of the company, as well as external influences (e.g. through other customers, information on social media platforms and the like). It's also best to think about what your persona might look like so that it becomes more tangible for you.


There are many questions to answer: Which persona or customer group is most likely to respond to your digital chatbot channel and how can you design the chatbot according to the needs of this target group? What possibilities are there at all to adapt the chatbot to the customer characteristics you have worked out? How should the defined persona communicate with the customers? Which language suits it?




Modeling the dialogs, test and learn


With the target persona in mind, you model the appropriate dialogs and adapt the overall tone and language to the requirements of the target audience.


Once the dialogs required for the use case have been created in this way, you can move on to the test and learn phase and try out whether the dialogs work as desired and planned and whether customers respond to them.




The chatbot as a value creator


In all the clarifications you make about the target group, you must never lose sight of one aspect: the chatbot channel should bring the customer additional added value. It should not simply be different from other channels, but better.


In order for your target audience's users to feel this way, you need to excite them, and to do that, you in turn need to know what they're most excited about.


What do they want to be able to do quickly and easily at any time with the help of the virtual assistant? Why will they choose this channel and no other?




Conclusion - Which role does the target group of my chatbot play?


The key to a successful chatbot is to think carefully in advance about which of your active and potential customers you want to address with it and how you can best adapt the chatbot to the wishes and requirements of this target group.


This means that users have a positive experience when interacting with your chatbot and will come back again. Only an actively used chatbot brings added value!


A corporate chatbot needs to be precisely tailored to the desired target and user group so that it doesn't lead a lonely existence on the website:


A corporate chatbot needs to be precisely tailored to the desired target and user group so that it doesn't lead a lonely existence on the website:


To do this, you need to define the target group in great detail, which is best achieved by creating so-called personas.


Regardless of which communication channels a company makes available to its customers, traditional or new digital channels like the chatbot, the important thing is that the customer is delighted with their experience.


If he chooses the chatbot channel, the experience must be consistently positive. However, this will only be the case if the interaction with the chatbot matches his or her ideas and expectations. So it's imperative that you tailor the chatbot to the exact wishes and preferences of your target audience.


But how to define the target audience for your new chatbot and the chosen use case?n?




Be sure to define the target audience of your chatbot in advance


It is essential that you invest enough time in the preparations before the actual creation of your own chatbot and think about the desired target group of your chatbot.


Once the chatbot is live and you realize that it does not meet the requirements and expectations of the desired users, it is too late or the «exercise» will cost the company dearly.


In a first step, you must always determine the use case, i.e. the function that the chatbot should fulfill. This can also be several.


Secondly, think about the target group that the chatbot should address with the selected use cases. The best way is to define so-called «personas». The term persona is already well known in the field of customer care and comes from Customer Experience Management (CEM).


A persona characterizes the people of a certain target group and shows their characteristics. A detailed description with name, appearance, function, career and private life (hobbies), behaviors, preferences and expectations of the users allows you to better put yourself in the shoes of your potential users and develop the chatbot from the corresponding user perspective.


Instead of personas, companies often only determine the customer segments and thus remain very much on the surface. This is often not enough to align the chatbot with the expectations of the desired user group. If you want to go more in depth, it is almost impossible to do without the development of personas.




Starter Guide for Agencies




What do such personas look like?


To create a persona, you start by analyzing demographic data such as age, gender, occupation, status (married or single), place of residence, and neighborhood. However, the definition is not limited to these rather superficial characteristics.


It goes into more depth and also takes into account points such as personal characteristics, interests, needs, typical behaviors, communication (preferred media/channels, online affinity), the motivation for certain actions and decisions, and possibly points of frustration about certain actions and decisions - on the part of the customer and on the part of the company, as well as external influences (e.g. through other customers, information on social media platforms and the like). It's also best to think about what your persona might look like so that it becomes more tangible for you.


There are many questions to answer: Which persona or customer group is most likely to respond to your digital chatbot channel and how can you design the chatbot according to the needs of this target group? What possibilities are there at all to adapt the chatbot to the customer characteristics you have worked out? How should the defined persona communicate with the customers? Which language suits it?




Modeling the dialogs, test and learn


With the target persona in mind, you model the appropriate dialogs and adapt the overall tone and language to the requirements of the target audience.


Once the dialogs required for the use case have been created in this way, you can move on to the test and learn phase and try out whether the dialogs work as desired and planned and whether customers respond to them.




The chatbot as a value creator


In all the clarifications you make about the target group, you must never lose sight of one aspect: the chatbot channel should bring the customer additional added value. It should not simply be different from other channels, but better.


In order for your target audience's users to feel this way, you need to excite them, and to do that, you in turn need to know what they're most excited about.


What do they want to be able to do quickly and easily at any time with the help of the virtual assistant? Why will they choose this channel and no other?




Conclusion - Which role does the target group of my chatbot play?


The key to a successful chatbot is to think carefully in advance about which of your active and potential customers you want to address with it and how you can best adapt the chatbot to the wishes and requirements of this target group.


This means that users have a positive experience when interacting with your chatbot and will come back again. Only an actively used chatbot brings added value!

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A corporate chatbot needs to be precisely tailored to the desired target and user group so that it doesn't lead a lonely existence on the website:


To do this, you need to define the target group in great detail, which is best achieved by creating so-called personas.


Regardless of which communication channels a company makes available to its customers, traditional or new digital channels like the chatbot, the important thing is that the customer is delighted with their experience.


If he chooses the chatbot channel, the experience must be consistently positive. However, this will only be the case if the interaction with the chatbot matches his or her ideas and expectations. So it's imperative that you tailor the chatbot to the exact wishes and preferences of your target audience.


But how to define the target audience for your new chatbot and the chosen use case?n?




Be sure to define the target audience of your chatbot in advance


It is essential that you invest enough time in the preparations before the actual creation of your own chatbot and think about the desired target group of your chatbot.


Once the chatbot is live and you realize that it does not meet the requirements and expectations of the desired users, it is too late or the «exercise» will cost the company dearly.


In a first step, you must always determine the use case, i.e. the function that the chatbot should fulfill. This can also be several.


Secondly, think about the target group that the chatbot should address with the selected use cases. The best way is to define so-called «personas». The term persona is already well known in the field of customer care and comes from Customer Experience Management (CEM).


A persona characterizes the people of a certain target group and shows their characteristics. A detailed description with name, appearance, function, career and private life (hobbies), behaviors, preferences and expectations of the users allows you to better put yourself in the shoes of your potential users and develop the chatbot from the corresponding user perspective.


Instead of personas, companies often only determine the customer segments and thus remain very much on the surface. This is often not enough to align the chatbot with the expectations of the desired user group. If you want to go more in depth, it is almost impossible to do without the development of personas.




Starter Guide for Agencies




What do such personas look like?


To create a persona, you start by analyzing demographic data such as age, gender, occupation, status (married or single), place of residence, and neighborhood. However, the definition is not limited to these rather superficial characteristics.


It goes into more depth and also takes into account points such as personal characteristics, interests, needs, typical behaviors, communication (preferred media/channels, online affinity), the motivation for certain actions and decisions, and possibly points of frustration about certain actions and decisions - on the part of the customer and on the part of the company, as well as external influences (e.g. through other customers, information on social media platforms and the like). It's also best to think about what your persona might look like so that it becomes more tangible for you.


There are many questions to answer: Which persona or customer group is most likely to respond to your digital chatbot channel and how can you design the chatbot according to the needs of this target group? What possibilities are there at all to adapt the chatbot to the customer characteristics you have worked out? How should the defined persona communicate with the customers? Which language suits it?




Modeling the dialogs, test and learn


With the target persona in mind, you model the appropriate dialogs and adapt the overall tone and language to the requirements of the target audience.


Once the dialogs required for the use case have been created in this way, you can move on to the test and learn phase and try out whether the dialogs work as desired and planned and whether customers respond to them.




The chatbot as a value creator


In all the clarifications you make about the target group, you must never lose sight of one aspect: the chatbot channel should bring the customer additional added value. It should not simply be different from other channels, but better.


In order for your target audience's users to feel this way, you need to excite them, and to do that, you in turn need to know what they're most excited about.


What do they want to be able to do quickly and easily at any time with the help of the virtual assistant? Why will they choose this channel and no other?




Conclusion - Which role does the target group of my chatbot play?


The key to a successful chatbot is to think carefully in advance about which of your active and potential customers you want to address with it and how you can best adapt the chatbot to the wishes and requirements of this target group.


This means that users have a positive experience when interacting with your chatbot and will come back again. Only an actively used chatbot brings added value!


A corporate chatbot needs to be precisely tailored to the desired target and user group so that it doesn't lead a lonely existence on the website:


To do this, you need to define the target group in great detail, which is best achieved by creating so-called personas.


Regardless of which communication channels a company makes available to its customers, traditional or new digital channels like the chatbot, the important thing is that the customer is delighted with their experience.


If he chooses the chatbot channel, the experience must be consistently positive. However, this will only be the case if the interaction with the chatbot matches his or her ideas and expectations. So it's imperative that you tailor the chatbot to the exact wishes and preferences of your target audience.


But how to define the target audience for your new chatbot and the chosen use case?n?




Be sure to define the target audience of your chatbot in advance


It is essential that you invest enough time in the preparations before the actual creation of your own chatbot and think about the desired target group of your chatbot.


Once the chatbot is live and you realize that it does not meet the requirements and expectations of the desired users, it is too late or the «exercise» will cost the company dearly.


In a first step, you must always determine the use case, i.e. the function that the chatbot should fulfill. This can also be several.


Secondly, think about the target group that the chatbot should address with the selected use cases. The best way is to define so-called «personas». The term persona is already well known in the field of customer care and comes from Customer Experience Management (CEM).


A persona characterizes the people of a certain target group and shows their characteristics. A detailed description with name, appearance, function, career and private life (hobbies), behaviors, preferences and expectations of the users allows you to better put yourself in the shoes of your potential users and develop the chatbot from the corresponding user perspective.


Instead of personas, companies often only determine the customer segments and thus remain very much on the surface. This is often not enough to align the chatbot with the expectations of the desired user group. If you want to go more in depth, it is almost impossible to do without the development of personas.




Starter Guide for Agencies




What do such personas look like?


To create a persona, you start by analyzing demographic data such as age, gender, occupation, status (married or single), place of residence, and neighborhood. However, the definition is not limited to these rather superficial characteristics.


It goes into more depth and also takes into account points such as personal characteristics, interests, needs, typical behaviors, communication (preferred media/channels, online affinity), the motivation for certain actions and decisions, and possibly points of frustration about certain actions and decisions - on the part of the customer and on the part of the company, as well as external influences (e.g. through other customers, information on social media platforms and the like). It's also best to think about what your persona might look like so that it becomes more tangible for you.


There are many questions to answer: Which persona or customer group is most likely to respond to your digital chatbot channel and how can you design the chatbot according to the needs of this target group? What possibilities are there at all to adapt the chatbot to the customer characteristics you have worked out? How should the defined persona communicate with the customers? Which language suits it?




Modeling the dialogs, test and learn


With the target persona in mind, you model the appropriate dialogs and adapt the overall tone and language to the requirements of the target audience.


Once the dialogs required for the use case have been created in this way, you can move on to the test and learn phase and try out whether the dialogs work as desired and planned and whether customers respond to them.




The chatbot as a value creator


In all the clarifications you make about the target group, you must never lose sight of one aspect: the chatbot channel should bring the customer additional added value. It should not simply be different from other channels, but better.


In order for your target audience's users to feel this way, you need to excite them, and to do that, you in turn need to know what they're most excited about.


What do they want to be able to do quickly and easily at any time with the help of the virtual assistant? Why will they choose this channel and no other?




Conclusion - Which role does the target group of my chatbot play?


The key to a successful chatbot is to think carefully in advance about which of your active and potential customers you want to address with it and how you can best adapt the chatbot to the wishes and requirements of this target group.


This means that users have a positive experience when interacting with your chatbot and will come back again. Only an actively used chatbot brings added value!


A corporate chatbot needs to be precisely tailored to the desired target and user group so that it doesn't lead a lonely existence on the website:


To do this, you need to define the target group in great detail, which is best achieved by creating so-called personas.


Regardless of which communication channels a company makes available to its customers, traditional or new digital channels like the chatbot, the important thing is that the customer is delighted with their experience.


If he chooses the chatbot channel, the experience must be consistently positive. However, this will only be the case if the interaction with the chatbot matches his or her ideas and expectations. So it's imperative that you tailor the chatbot to the exact wishes and preferences of your target audience.


But how to define the target audience for your new chatbot and the chosen use case?n?




Be sure to define the target audience of your chatbot in advance


It is essential that you invest enough time in the preparations before the actual creation of your own chatbot and think about the desired target group of your chatbot.


Once the chatbot is live and you realize that it does not meet the requirements and expectations of the desired users, it is too late or the «exercise» will cost the company dearly.


In a first step, you must always determine the use case, i.e. the function that the chatbot should fulfill. This can also be several.


Secondly, think about the target group that the chatbot should address with the selected use cases. The best way is to define so-called «personas». The term persona is already well known in the field of customer care and comes from Customer Experience Management (CEM).


A persona characterizes the people of a certain target group and shows their characteristics. A detailed description with name, appearance, function, career and private life (hobbies), behaviors, preferences and expectations of the users allows you to better put yourself in the shoes of your potential users and develop the chatbot from the corresponding user perspective.


Instead of personas, companies often only determine the customer segments and thus remain very much on the surface. This is often not enough to align the chatbot with the expectations of the desired user group. If you want to go more in depth, it is almost impossible to do without the development of personas.




Starter Guide for Agencies




What do such personas look like?


To create a persona, you start by analyzing demographic data such as age, gender, occupation, status (married or single), place of residence, and neighborhood. However, the definition is not limited to these rather superficial characteristics.


It goes into more depth and also takes into account points such as personal characteristics, interests, needs, typical behaviors, communication (preferred media/channels, online affinity), the motivation for certain actions and decisions, and possibly points of frustration about certain actions and decisions - on the part of the customer and on the part of the company, as well as external influences (e.g. through other customers, information on social media platforms and the like). It's also best to think about what your persona might look like so that it becomes more tangible for you.


There are many questions to answer: Which persona or customer group is most likely to respond to your digital chatbot channel and how can you design the chatbot according to the needs of this target group? What possibilities are there at all to adapt the chatbot to the customer characteristics you have worked out? How should the defined persona communicate with the customers? Which language suits it?




Modeling the dialogs, test and learn


With the target persona in mind, you model the appropriate dialogs and adapt the overall tone and language to the requirements of the target audience.


Once the dialogs required for the use case have been created in this way, you can move on to the test and learn phase and try out whether the dialogs work as desired and planned and whether customers respond to them.




The chatbot as a value creator


In all the clarifications you make about the target group, you must never lose sight of one aspect: the chatbot channel should bring the customer additional added value. It should not simply be different from other channels, but better.


In order for your target audience's users to feel this way, you need to excite them, and to do that, you in turn need to know what they're most excited about.


What do they want to be able to do quickly and easily at any time with the help of the virtual assistant? Why will they choose this channel and no other?




Conclusion - Which role does the target group of my chatbot play?


The key to a successful chatbot is to think carefully in advance about which of your active and potential customers you want to address with it and how you can best adapt the chatbot to the wishes and requirements of this target group.


This means that users have a positive experience when interacting with your chatbot and will come back again. Only an actively used chatbot brings added value!


A corporate chatbot needs to be precisely tailored to the desired target and user group so that it doesn't lead a lonely existence on the website:


To do this, you need to define the target group in great detail, which is best achieved by creating so-called personas.


Regardless of which communication channels a company makes available to its customers, traditional or new digital channels like the chatbot, the important thing is that the customer is delighted with their experience.


If he chooses the chatbot channel, the experience must be consistently positive. However, this will only be the case if the interaction with the chatbot matches his or her ideas and expectations. So it's imperative that you tailor the chatbot to the exact wishes and preferences of your target audience.


But how to define the target audience for your new chatbot and the chosen use case?n?




Be sure to define the target audience of your chatbot in advance


It is essential that you invest enough time in the preparations before the actual creation of your own chatbot and think about the desired target group of your chatbot.


Once the chatbot is live and you realize that it does not meet the requirements and expectations of the desired users, it is too late or the «exercise» will cost the company dearly.


In a first step, you must always determine the use case, i.e. the function that the chatbot should fulfill. This can also be several.


Secondly, think about the target group that the chatbot should address with the selected use cases. The best way is to define so-called «personas». The term persona is already well known in the field of customer care and comes from Customer Experience Management (CEM).


A persona characterizes the people of a certain target group and shows their characteristics. A detailed description with name, appearance, function, career and private life (hobbies), behaviors, preferences and expectations of the users allows you to better put yourself in the shoes of your potential users and develop the chatbot from the corresponding user perspective.


Instead of personas, companies often only determine the customer segments and thus remain very much on the surface. This is often not enough to align the chatbot with the expectations of the desired user group. If you want to go more in depth, it is almost impossible to do without the development of personas.




Starter Guide for Agencies




What do such personas look like?


To create a persona, you start by analyzing demographic data such as age, gender, occupation, status (married or single), place of residence, and neighborhood. However, the definition is not limited to these rather superficial characteristics.


It goes into more depth and also takes into account points such as personal characteristics, interests, needs, typical behaviors, communication (preferred media/channels, online affinity), the motivation for certain actions and decisions, and possibly points of frustration about certain actions and decisions - on the part of the customer and on the part of the company, as well as external influences (e.g. through other customers, information on social media platforms and the like). It's also best to think about what your persona might look like so that it becomes more tangible for you.


There are many questions to answer: Which persona or customer group is most likely to respond to your digital chatbot channel and how can you design the chatbot according to the needs of this target group? What possibilities are there at all to adapt the chatbot to the customer characteristics you have worked out? How should the defined persona communicate with the customers? Which language suits it?




Modeling the dialogs, test and learn


With the target persona in mind, you model the appropriate dialogs and adapt the overall tone and language to the requirements of the target audience.


Once the dialogs required for the use case have been created in this way, you can move on to the test and learn phase and try out whether the dialogs work as desired and planned and whether customers respond to them.




The chatbot as a value creator


In all the clarifications you make about the target group, you must never lose sight of one aspect: the chatbot channel should bring the customer additional added value. It should not simply be different from other channels, but better.


In order for your target audience's users to feel this way, you need to excite them, and to do that, you in turn need to know what they're most excited about.


What do they want to be able to do quickly and easily at any time with the help of the virtual assistant? Why will they choose this channel and no other?




Conclusion - Which role does the target group of my chatbot play?


The key to a successful chatbot is to think carefully in advance about which of your active and potential customers you want to address with it and how you can best adapt the chatbot to the wishes and requirements of this target group.


This means that users have a positive experience when interacting with your chatbot and will come back again. Only an actively used chatbot brings added value!


A corporate chatbot needs to be precisely tailored to the desired target and user group so that it doesn't lead a lonely existence on the website:


To do this, you need to define the target group in great detail, which is best achieved by creating so-called personas.


Regardless of which communication channels a company makes available to its customers, traditional or new digital channels like the chatbot, the important thing is that the customer is delighted with their experience.


If he chooses the chatbot channel, the experience must be consistently positive. However, this will only be the case if the interaction with the chatbot matches his or her ideas and expectations. So it's imperative that you tailor the chatbot to the exact wishes and preferences of your target audience.


But how to define the target audience for your new chatbot and the chosen use case?n?




Be sure to define the target audience of your chatbot in advance


It is essential that you invest enough time in the preparations before the actual creation of your own chatbot and think about the desired target group of your chatbot.


Once the chatbot is live and you realize that it does not meet the requirements and expectations of the desired users, it is too late or the «exercise» will cost the company dearly.


In a first step, you must always determine the use case, i.e. the function that the chatbot should fulfill. This can also be several.


Secondly, think about the target group that the chatbot should address with the selected use cases. The best way is to define so-called «personas». The term persona is already well known in the field of customer care and comes from Customer Experience Management (CEM).


A persona characterizes the people of a certain target group and shows their characteristics. A detailed description with name, appearance, function, career and private life (hobbies), behaviors, preferences and expectations of the users allows you to better put yourself in the shoes of your potential users and develop the chatbot from the corresponding user perspective.


Instead of personas, companies often only determine the customer segments and thus remain very much on the surface. This is often not enough to align the chatbot with the expectations of the desired user group. If you want to go more in depth, it is almost impossible to do without the development of personas.




Starter Guide for Agencies




What do such personas look like?


To create a persona, you start by analyzing demographic data such as age, gender, occupation, status (married or single), place of residence, and neighborhood. However, the definition is not limited to these rather superficial characteristics.


It goes into more depth and also takes into account points such as personal characteristics, interests, needs, typical behaviors, communication (preferred media/channels, online affinity), the motivation for certain actions and decisions, and possibly points of frustration about certain actions and decisions - on the part of the customer and on the part of the company, as well as external influences (e.g. through other customers, information on social media platforms and the like). It's also best to think about what your persona might look like so that it becomes more tangible for you.


There are many questions to answer: Which persona or customer group is most likely to respond to your digital chatbot channel and how can you design the chatbot according to the needs of this target group? What possibilities are there at all to adapt the chatbot to the customer characteristics you have worked out? How should the defined persona communicate with the customers? Which language suits it?




Modeling the dialogs, test and learn


With the target persona in mind, you model the appropriate dialogs and adapt the overall tone and language to the requirements of the target audience.


Once the dialogs required for the use case have been created in this way, you can move on to the test and learn phase and try out whether the dialogs work as desired and planned and whether customers respond to them.




The chatbot as a value creator


In all the clarifications you make about the target group, you must never lose sight of one aspect: the chatbot channel should bring the customer additional added value. It should not simply be different from other channels, but better.


In order for your target audience's users to feel this way, you need to excite them, and to do that, you in turn need to know what they're most excited about.


What do they want to be able to do quickly and easily at any time with the help of the virtual assistant? Why will they choose this channel and no other?




Conclusion - Which role does the target group of my chatbot play?


The key to a successful chatbot is to think carefully in advance about which of your active and potential customers you want to address with it and how you can best adapt the chatbot to the wishes and requirements of this target group.


This means that users have a positive experience when interacting with your chatbot and will come back again. Only an actively used chatbot brings added value!


A corporate chatbot needs to be precisely tailored to the desired target and user group so that it doesn't lead a lonely existence on the website:


A corporate chatbot needs to be precisely tailored to the desired target and user group so that it doesn't lead a lonely existence on the website:

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A corporate chatbot needs to be precisely tailored to the desired target and user group so that it doesn't lead a lonely existence on the website:


To do this, you need to define the target group in great detail, which is best achieved by creating so-called personas.


Regardless of which communication channels a company makes available to its customers, traditional or new digital channels like the chatbot, the important thing is that the customer is delighted with their experience.


If he chooses the chatbot channel, the experience must be consistently positive. However, this will only be the case if the interaction with the chatbot matches his or her ideas and expectations. So it's imperative that you tailor the chatbot to the exact wishes and preferences of your target audience.


But how to define the target audience for your new chatbot and the chosen use case?n?




Be sure to define the target audience of your chatbot in advance


It is essential that you invest enough time in the preparations before the actual creation of your own chatbot and think about the desired target group of your chatbot.


Once the chatbot is live and you realize that it does not meet the requirements and expectations of the desired users, it is too late or the «exercise» will cost the company dearly.


In a first step, you must always determine the use case, i.e. the function that the chatbot should fulfill. This can also be several.


Secondly, think about the target group that the chatbot should address with the selected use cases. The best way is to define so-called «personas». The term persona is already well known in the field of customer care and comes from Customer Experience Management (CEM).


A persona characterizes the people of a certain target group and shows their characteristics. A detailed description with name, appearance, function, career and private life (hobbies), behaviors, preferences and expectations of the users allows you to better put yourself in the shoes of your potential users and develop the chatbot from the corresponding user perspective.


Instead of personas, companies often only determine the customer segments and thus remain very much on the surface. This is often not enough to align the chatbot with the expectations of the desired user group. If you want to go more in depth, it is almost impossible to do without the development of personas.




Starter Guide for Agencies




What do such personas look like?


To create a persona, you start by analyzing demographic data such as age, gender, occupation, status (married or single), place of residence, and neighborhood. However, the definition is not limited to these rather superficial characteristics.


It goes into more depth and also takes into account points such as personal characteristics, interests, needs, typical behaviors, communication (preferred media/channels, online affinity), the motivation for certain actions and decisions, and possibly points of frustration about certain actions and decisions - on the part of the customer and on the part of the company, as well as external influences (e.g. through other customers, information on social media platforms and the like). It's also best to think about what your persona might look like so that it becomes more tangible for you.


There are many questions to answer: Which persona or customer group is most likely to respond to your digital chatbot channel and how can you design the chatbot according to the needs of this target group? What possibilities are there at all to adapt the chatbot to the customer characteristics you have worked out? How should the defined persona communicate with the customers? Which language suits it?




Modeling the dialogs, test and learn


With the target persona in mind, you model the appropriate dialogs and adapt the overall tone and language to the requirements of the target audience.


Once the dialogs required for the use case have been created in this way, you can move on to the test and learn phase and try out whether the dialogs work as desired and planned and whether customers respond to them.




The chatbot as a value creator


In all the clarifications you make about the target group, you must never lose sight of one aspect: the chatbot channel should bring the customer additional added value. It should not simply be different from other channels, but better.


In order for your target audience's users to feel this way, you need to excite them, and to do that, you in turn need to know what they're most excited about.


What do they want to be able to do quickly and easily at any time with the help of the virtual assistant? Why will they choose this channel and no other?




Conclusion - Which role does the target group of my chatbot play?


The key to a successful chatbot is to think carefully in advance about which of your active and potential customers you want to address with it and how you can best adapt the chatbot to the wishes and requirements of this target group.


This means that users have a positive experience when interacting with your chatbot and will come back again. Only an actively used chatbot brings added value!


A corporate chatbot needs to be precisely tailored to the desired target and user group so that it doesn't lead a lonely existence on the website:

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Das Team von aiaibot ist unterwegs an verschiedenen Chatbot Events anzutreffen und veranstaltet Chatbot Breakfasts für Agenturen. Triff uns und erfahre mehr über das Thema Chatbots und die aiaibot Chatbot-Software.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


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Deine Aufgaben

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You want to know more about Chatbots?


Super easy! Just throw your email below and we will contact you as soon as possible with great insights.

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Ein Unternehmens-Chatbot muss genau auf die gewünschte Ziel- und Usergruppe angepasst sein, damit er kein einsames Dasein auf der Website führt:


Dazu musst du die Zielgruppe sehr detailliert definieren, was du am besten mit der Erstellung sogenannter Personas erreichst.


Unabhängig davon, welche Kommunikationskanäle ein Unternehmen seinen Kunden zur Verfügung stellt, traditionelle oder neue digitale Kanäle wie den Chatbot, wichtig ist, dass der Kunde von seiner Erfahrung begeistert ist.


Wählt er den Chatbot-Kanal, muss das Erlebnis durchwegs positiv ausfallen. Das wird aber nur dann der Fall sein, wenn die Interaktion mit dem Chatbot seinen Vorstellungen und Erwartungen entspricht. Du musst den Chatbot also unbedingt genau an die Wünsche und Vorlieben deiner Zielgruppe anpassen.


Wie aber lässt sich Zielgruppe für deinen neuen Chatbot und den gewählten Use Case definieren?




Definiere die Zielgruppe deines Chatbots unbedingt vorab


Es ist essentiell, dass du bereits vor der eigentlichen Erstellung deines eigenen Chatbots genügend Zeit in die Vorbereitungen investierst und dir Gedanken zur gewünschten Zielgruppe deines Chatbots machst.


Wenn der Chatbot erst einmal live ist und du erst dann feststellst, dass er nicht den Anforderungen und Vorstellungen der gewünschten Nutzer entspricht, ist es zu spät, bzw. die «Übung» kommt das Unternehmen teuer zu stehen.


In einem ersten Schritt musst du in jedem Fall den Use Case bestimmen, also die Funktion, die der Chatbot erfüllen soll. Das können auch mehrere sein.


Als zweites überlegst du dir dann, wie die Zielgruppe aussieht, die der Chatbot mit den gewählten Use Cases ansprechen soll. Der beste Weg ist, sogenannte «Personas» zu definieren. Der Begriff der Persona ist im Bereich Customer Care bereits wohlbekannt und stammt aus dem Customer Experience Management (CEM).


Eine Persona charakterisiert die Personen einer bestimmten Zielgruppe und zeigt ihre Merkmale auf. Durch eine detaillierte Beschreibung mit Namen, Aussehen, Funktion, Werdegang und Privatleben (Hobbies), Verhaltensweisen, Vorlieben und Erwartungen der User kannst du dich besser in die Lage deiner potenziellen Nutzer versetzen und den Chatbot aus der entsprechenden User-Perspektive entwickeln.


Häufig bestimmen die Unternehmen statt Personas lediglich die Kundensegmente und bleiben so sehr an der Oberfläche. Das reicht oft nicht aus, um den Chatbot auf die Erwartungen der gewünschten User-Gruppe auszurichten. Will man mehr in die Tiefe gehen, kann man auf die Entwicklung von Personas fast nicht verzichten.




Starter Guide for Agencies




Wie sehen solche Personas aus?


Um eine Persona zu erstellen, arbeitest du bei der Analyse zunächst die demografischen Daten wie Alter, Geschlecht, berufliche Tätigkeit, Status (verheiratet oder ledig), Wohnort und Wohngegend heraus. Die Definition beschränkt sich aber nicht nur auf diese eher oberflächlichen Merkmale.


Sie geht mehr in die Tiefe und berücksichtigt auch Punkte wie persönliche Merkmale, Interessen, Bedürfnisse, typische Verhaltensweisen, Kommunikation (bevorzugte Medien/Kanäle, online-Affinität), die Motivation für gewisse Handlungen und Entscheidungen, und allenfalls Frustrations-Punkte über gewisse Handlungen und Entscheide – seitens Kunde und seitens Unternehmen, sowie Einflüsse von aussen (z. B. durch andere Kunden, Informationen auf Social Media Plattformen und ähnliches). Du überlegst dir am besten auch konkret, wie deine Persona aussehen könnte, damit sie für dich greifbarer wird.


Es gilt, viele Fragen zu beantworten: Welche Persona bzw. welche Kundengruppe wird am ehesten auf deinen digitalen Chatbot Kanal ansprechen und wie kannst du den Chatbot nach den Bedürfnissen dieser Zielgruppe gestalten? Welche Möglichkeiten bieten sich überhaupt, den Chatbot an die von dir herausgearbeiteten Kunden-Merkmale anzupassen? Wie soll die definierte Persona mit den Kunden kommunizieren? Welche Sprache passt zu ihr?




Modellieren der Dialoge, Test and Learn


Mit der Ziel-Persona im Hinterkopf modellierst du die passenden Dialoge und passt die gesamte Tonaliät und Sprache den Anforderungen der Zielgruppe an.


Sind die für den Use Case notwendigen Dialoge auf diese Weise erstellt, kannst du in die Test and Learn Phase übergehen und ausprobieren, ob die Dialoge wie gewünscht und geplant funktionieren und die Kunden darauf ansprechen.




Der Chatbot als Value Creator


Bei allen Abklärungen, die du zur Zielgruppe triffst, darfst du einen Aspekt nie aus den Augen verlieren: der Chatbotkanal soll dem Kunden zusätzlichen Mehrwert bringen. Er soll nicht einfach anders sein als andere Kanäle, sondern besser.


Damit die User deiner Zielgruppe dies so empfinden, musst du sie begeistern, und dazu musst du wiederum wissen, was sie am meisten freut.


Was möchten sie mithilfe des virtuellen Helfers jederzeit schnell und einfach erledigen können? Warum werden sie diesen Kanal wählen und keinen anderen?




Fazit – Welche Rolle spielt die Zielgruppe meines Chatbots?


Das A und O für einen erfolgreichen Chatbot ist es, dass du dir vorab genau überlegst, welche deiner aktiven und potenziellen Kunden du damit ansprechen möchtest und wie du den Chatbot den Wünschen und Anforderungen dieser Zielgruppe am besten anpassen kannst.


Damit machen die User in der Interaktion mit deinem Chatbot eine positive Erfahrung und kommen wieder. Nur ein aktiv genutzter Chatbot bringt einen Mehrwert!

How-to · Veröffentlicht am 7.9.2021

A corporate chatbot needs to be precisely tailored to the desired target and user group so that it doesn't lead a lonely existence on the website:

To do this, you need to define the target group in great detail, which is best achieved by creating so-called personas.

Regardless of which communication channels a company makes available to its customers, traditional or new digital channels like the chatbot, the important thing is that the customer is delighted with their experience.

If he chooses the chatbot channel, the experience must be consistently positive. However, this will only be the case if the interaction with the chatbot matches his or her ideas and expectations. So it's imperative that you tailor the chatbot to the exact wishes and preferences of your target audience.

But how to define the target audience for your new chatbot and the chosen use case?n?


Be sure to define the target audience of your chatbot in advance

It is essential that you invest enough time in the preparations before the actual creation of your own chatbot and think about the desired target group of your chatbot.

Once the chatbot is live and you realize that it does not meet the requirements and expectations of the desired users, it is too late or the «exercise» will cost the company dearly.

In a first step, you must always determine the use case, i.e. the function that the chatbot should fulfill. This can also be several.

Secondly, think about the target group that the chatbot should address with the selected use cases. The best way is to define so-called «personas». The term persona is already well known in the field of customer care and comes from Customer Experience Management (CEM).

A persona characterizes the people of a certain target group and shows their characteristics. A detailed description with name, appearance, function, career and private life (hobbies), behaviors, preferences and expectations of the users allows you to better put yourself in the shoes of your potential users and develop the chatbot from the corresponding user perspective.

Instead of personas, companies often only determine the customer segments and thus remain very much on the surface. This is often not enough to align the chatbot with the expectations of the desired user group. If you want to go more in depth, it is almost impossible to do without the development of personas.


Starter Guide for Agencies


What do such personas look like?

To create a persona, you start by analyzing demographic data such as age, gender, occupation, status (married or single), place of residence, and neighborhood. However, the definition is not limited to these rather superficial characteristics.

It goes into more depth and also takes into account points such as personal characteristics, interests, needs, typical behaviors, communication (preferred media/channels, online affinity), the motivation for certain actions and decisions, and possibly points of frustration about certain actions and decisions - on the part of the customer and on the part of the company, as well as external influences (e.g. through other customers, information on social media platforms and the like). It's also best to think about what your persona might look like so that it becomes more tangible for you.

There are many questions to answer: Which persona or customer group is most likely to respond to your digital chatbot channel and how can you design the chatbot according to the needs of this target group? What possibilities are there at all to adapt the chatbot to the customer characteristics you have worked out? How should the defined persona communicate with the customers? Which language suits it?


Modeling the dialogs, test and learn

With the target persona in mind, you model the appropriate dialogs and adapt the overall tone and language to the requirements of the target audience.

Once the dialogs required for the use case have been created in this way, you can move on to the test and learn phase and try out whether the dialogs work as desired and planned and whether customers respond to them.


The chatbot as a value creator

In all the clarifications you make about the target group, you must never lose sight of one aspect: the chatbot channel should bring the customer additional added value. It should not simply be different from other channels, but better.

In order for your target audience's users to feel this way, you need to excite them, and to do that, you in turn need to know what they're most excited about.

What do they want to be able to do quickly and easily at any time with the help of the virtual assistant? Why will they choose this channel and no other?


Conclusion - Which role does the target group of my chatbot play?

The key to a successful chatbot is to think carefully in advance about which of your active and potential customers you want to address with it and how you can best adapt the chatbot to the wishes and requirements of this target group.

This means that users have a positive experience when interacting with your chatbot and will come back again. Only an actively used chatbot brings added value!

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