An intelligent self-service assistant for the Insel Group


Use Case

The Insel Gruppe chatbot processes requests in the various categories: Current, Patients, Relatives/Visitors, Employers and About us.


The chatbot is intended to support information retrieval and provide important information. The aim is to increase efficiency in the clinical area as well as the customer and employer experience and to relieve the Insel Gruppe's telephone switchboard.


Thanks to 24/7 self-service, visitors to the website have access to help around the clock and without waiting times.

Initial situation

With its traditional hospitals, the Insel Group forms the largest full-service medical care system in Switzerland, from cutting-edge medicine to basic care. The hospital network ensures that every patient receives the best possible care and is treated in accordance with the latest developments, methods and possibilities of medicine at the appropriate location.

Searching for information on the Insel Gruppe website is difficult due to the high density of information. Many customers do not immediately find what they are looking for, so they contact the switchboard. Every day, the switchboard receives a large number of telephone calls, web form inquiries and emails regarding requests for mediation or information.


Idea & realization

With the introduction of the chatbot, information on topics such as visiting times and rules, arrival, flower deliveries, information on absences, etc. is provided via the bot. Visitors therefore have the option of 24/7 self-service. At the same time, the switchboard is relieved and can once again focus on more complex tasks.

The chatbot module and the robot module are in use. Significant additional efficiency gains can be achieved through end-to-end automation with the Robot Module.

Right at the start, the chatbot had over 1,700 views. The selection of topics was almost perfect, as users selected all four initial stories with roughly the same frequency. Users are most interested in Inselspital as an employer. Since the introduction of the bot, almost no inquiries have been sent to the telephone switchboard on this topic. The bot has therefore been very successful here and has already fulfilled its purpose.

The positive feedback from the feedback tool amounts to around 98 percent. This means that it can also be considered a great success.

Matthias Heinemann, Project Manager Patient Management at Insel Gruppe AG says:

Thanks to aiaibot's digitalization platform, we can make it easier for our visitors to find information, resolve their concerns more quickly and reduce the workload on our switchboard. The end-to-end automation enables us to make significant efficiency gains.

Our promise: Service Automation, delivered!

We understand customers. And we understand digitalization and artificial intelligence - thanks to our extensive expertise and over 150 implemented projects. This experience sets us apart from the competition and makes aiaibot the leading Swiss solution provider for customer service automation and conversational AI.

The benefit for companies? We enable tomorrow's customer service today. Because we know how to do it. And because we deliver better results faster.