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The smart Chatbot of the BEKB also supports in the SMART Login App


Use Case

Support for customers with questions about the Debit Mastercard and the use of the smartLogin app


More self-service options through the digital touchpoint. Customer service calls are reduced.


The chatbot offers help not only on the website, but soon also in the smartLogin app of the BEKB.

Berner Kantonalbank (BEKB) is one of the largest cantonal banks in Switzerland, with total assets of over CHF 1 billion in 2020 and around 1,230 employees.

With its aspiration to be a trustworthy bank that values the sustainable creation of economic and living spaces, BEKB has taken the step of also creating a digital space for customers with a chatbot project.

Starting Situation

Together with the aiaibot partner Garaio, BEKB was able to realize its chatbot for the Debit Mastercard and eBanking. The need for a chatbot arose for the Berner Kantonalbank primarily due to the many telephone inquiries and queries from customers. Although the answers to the most frequently asked questions are available on the website, they are apparently not easy enough for customers to find, which is why they often reach for the phone anyway. With the chatbot, BEKB has now been able to create a new self-service channel that supports customers in resolving their inquiries and concerns independently. This fast and round-the-clock option for resolving concerns and receiving answers to questions without waiting significantly increases customer satisfaction. In addition, customer service employees also benefit from the relief due to the shift from telephone to chatbot.

The goal of BEKB is not to completely replace the telephone channel, because personal contact with customers is very important to the bank. Employees are happy to provide advice on the phone, especially for more complex and demanding issues. The chatbot will primarily handle simple standard questions and concerns.

Idea & Implementation

The BEKB chatbot covers many topics and is designed to help customers independently find answers to questions and solve simple standard issues. The bot provides general information about the Debit Mastercard, its conditions and functions, the process of switching from a Maestro to a Debit Mastercard, general information about the credit card and its application options, as well as the use and application of the Mastercard on the Internet.

The integration of the chatbot into the smartLogin app is intended to enable users to receive context-related and direct answers to important questions about BEKB eBanking at any time when using the app, without having to wait. The chatbot can currently be found on the website and the integration on the smartLoginApp will go live soon.

In the app, the chatbot answers questions about registering on the portal and provides helpful information about this process. Images and videos are intended to make the whole thing interactive and provide visual support.

Further ideas for exciting use cases for the chatbot already exist and are being planned.

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