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aiaibot launches Academy Format

Company · Created 2.9.2021

The aiaibot Academy is ready to go and will actively support you in creating your projects in the future. The Academy is a dynamic help tool that will continuously evolve and improve.

The time has come. The aiaibot Academy is live and ready to guide you through your individual chatbot projects, answering questions that arise quickly and easily - around the clock. You'll find tips and tricks in the Academy to create and develop your chatbot on your own. With help texts and videos, you will easily learn and understand how to best implement your project. Live webinars on specific topics will supplement the Academy offering in the near future. In addition to the Chatbot module, we will also increasingly show you the possibilities of the AI and Robot modules in the future.


However, the Academy is by no means a static tool, but is continuously updated, expanded and supplemented with new videos. When developing the Academy, we are inspired by your questions and suggestions, which you can send us via Feedback Chatbot. Therefore, do not hesitate to let us know if any information you are looking for is missing from the Academy content. You have a say in the further development of the platform.

We welcome any input, because the Academy grows with its users!

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