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Do you have any questions? Just contact Lou.


Use Case

Have questions and answers from customers answered by Lou at any time of the day or night.


Relieving the workload of the counseling center staff and creating more capacity for more complicated issues.


Lou is a digital and efficient eye-catcher on the LUKB website. The bot's area of responsibility is constantly being expanded.

Luzerner Kantonalbank AG (LUKB) is one of the leading banks in the canton of Lucerne. With a total of 1,250 employees, it operates 24 branches and is one of the largest Swiss cantonal banks. LUKB's core business areas are real estate and corporate finance, pensions, and asset advisory and management services. With a location in Zurich, LUKB is present in an important private banking location in Switzerland. Customer proximity and performance strength are the hallmarks of LUKB. Around 50% of private individuals and companies from Lucerne have some form of business relationship with the bank.

Initial situation

With many different customer groups there also comes a huge volume of different inquiries. LUKB employees answer a large volume of questions from a wide variety of areas every day. To counteract this volume and at the same time be digitally up to date, a chatbot was introduced to support them.

<Lou> is the phonetically appropriate name of LUKB's chatbot. The bot is used on those websites that customers frequently visit with questions. Currently, this is the FAQ page of the website.

Idea & Implementation

Lou's range of tasks is to be constantly expanded. Customer feedback forms the basis for continuously optimizing the chatbot.

At the moment, Lou is used for important questions about bank cards and accounts, documents and account information, and for QR bills. In these areas, Lou relieves the workload of the employees at the advice center and gives them more capacity to deal with more complicated issues.

Lou also provides support in e-banking in the LUKB login area. There, the chatbot offers help with customer inquiries such as password changes or ordering a new password. Lou also provides information on the LUKB Key app for e-banking. For this, Lou offers supporting information of the app for a new setup, an initial setup or for the setup on a new mobile device.

Further use cases are currently under development. The plan is to use the chatbot soon for concerns regarding LUKB's Twint rollout.

We are looking forward to more inspiring use cases for the LUKB chatbot!

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