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30 NOV 2023

Expert Talk: Generation Z - How to align your customer experience with the future.

8600 Dübendorf

Success strategy for a customer experience of the future

Flooded with stimuli, overwhelmed by offers and demanding the fulfillment of wishes:
Generation Z, born between 1995 and 2010, presents companies with new challenges and opportunities. The first Expert Talk by aiaibot in Dübendorf at the end of November 2023 provided an overview of the needs of the new customers and employees and outlined successful strategies.

Whereas sales used to be about presenting products and their features, Generation Z is focused on completely different aspects. «Es geht um Moods, Feelings und Aesthetics», explained Yannick Blättler, CEO and founder of the Lucerne-based marketing and communications company NEOVISO AG, which specializes in Generation Z. «Whether in marketing or employee recruitment - inspiring multichannel experience management requires authentic content that is passed on within the target group.» The smartphone is of paramount importance here. Yannick Blättler: «60 percent of Gen Z spends three hours or more with it every day.» According to surveys by NEOVISO, videos are the number one way of communicating information. Social platforms such as Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube are correspondingly important.

«Don't think in terms of products. Vibes touch more than hard facts. And react immediately in communication and interaction», says Blättler, describing the recipe for success.


The new requirements for sales

For the spoiled Generation Z, an attractive customer journey is the be-all and end-all for the purchase decision and loyalty to the provider. In everyday sales, however, multichannel experience management with artificial intelligence (AI) often falls short of its potential.«There are often data gaps between the marketing tool, the CRM, the ERP/ticketing and the loyalty tool, which make an optimal customer experience impossible. For example, the CRM lacks information about what potential customers were interested in on the company website in detail», explained Carsten Bandt, Managing Director of einfach innovativ AG, at the aiaibot Expert Talk. «The use of technologies with AI has achieved strategic relevance. However, 72% of Swiss companies do not have the resources for this, or only have partial resources.»

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1 Yannick Blättler, founder and owner of NEOVISO AG, talks about Generation Z - what keeps them busy and how we can inspire them.
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2 Carsten Bandt, owner of einfach innovativ AG, talks about "Conversational AI in multichannel experience management - why self-service bots should be part of the customer journey."
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3 Tom Buser, CEO of aiaibot, will talk about the service automation platform that will enable the customer experience of the future and what can already be implemented in practice today.
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4 Tom Buser, CEO of aiaibot, with his summary of the expert talk.
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5 The networking aperitif invited the experts and participating managers to an exciting exchange.



A market lead in multichannel experience management that relies on AI is based on three factors:

  • Strategy: Clear guidelines for the use of AI form the basis. Management and employees are fully behind the concept
  • Customer centricity: Customers are consistently placed at the center of attention and feel understood.
  • Technology: The technology platform offers flexibility. It can be continuously optimized and further developed

«Today, customer requirements change very quickly. A platform must be able to react to this immediately», summarizes Carsten Bandt.


A leap in quality in customer contact

Tom Buser, CEO of aiaibot, explained at the expert talk that the starting point for bot projects is often paradoxical. Although extensive and meaningful data is available, it is hardly ever used. The customer experience can be massively improved with little effort. Information bots provide the required data around the clock and open up new dimensions. «Be it tax authorities, banks or unemployment insurance funds - the number of requests for information by phone or email drops massively after the introduction of a bot with artificial intelligence», reported Tom Buser on the latest projects. «Bots are already achieving such good results that 27% of customers cannot say with certainty whether they were in contact with a human or a machine.»

Bots not only improve the customer experience, they also show strengths in the financial area. Tom Buser:  «If current estimates assume annual growth of 23% in the chatbot market, one important reason is the rapid amortization. The return on investment for bot projects is only six to nine months.»








Yannick Blättler

Founder and owner of NEOVISO AG

Yannick Blättler is the founder and owner of NEOVISO AG, which specializes in Gen Z.
They regularly conduct their own studies in various industries to examine the 14-27 year-olds in Switzerland.
They advise SMEs and large corporations on how to deal with this young target group, develop marketing and employer branding strategies and produce content for social media.

In addition to his 34-strong team, Yannick is also a member of the Board of Directors of Chrampfcheibe AG and co-founder of the Swiss student association NEO Network. He is not only regularly on stage for topics such as marketing, leadership and HR, but also behind the microphone for his own Navigator podcast.

Yannick Blättler Portrait Brown Background

Carsten Bandt

Founder and CEO einfach innovativ AG

Carsten Bandt is the founder and CEO of the consulting firm "einfach innovativ AG", which is dedicated to designing exciting customer journeys in customer dialog. The focus here is on support from artificial intelligence and how AI can be used to automate and improve customer communication. Carsten Bandt has been working in the ICT and contact center environment for over 20 years, most recently as Head of Consulting in the Customer Interaction Management team at Swisscom (Switzerland) AG.


Tom Buser

CEO aiaibot

Tom Buser is CEO of the Swiss software company aiaibot, which specializes in chatbots and artificial intelligence in customer dialogue. Over 150 projects have already been implemented with aiaibot. Tom Buser is a business economist and was a management consultant for many years. Before that, he was managing director of an international IT service provider. He is the author of well-known specialist books on CRM and was co-founder and chairman of the Swiss CRM Forum.


These were the highlights of our expert talk:

Insights into the mindsets and requirements of Generation Z.
Technological possibilities of today.
News from the field: concrete self-service chatbot example
Advantages of multichannel management and the automation of business processes.