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Customer Roundtable June 2023


Automatically better: ChatGPT in customer service

How ChatGPT accelerates service processes and boosts the customer experience.

The second digital revolution has not just arrived. It is rolling up the field from behind. And at the speed of light. We're talking about ChatGPT, the fastest growing AI in the world. It will change the way we work and master our everyday lives as fundamentally as the internet once did. What role does ChatGPT already play in customer service today? Which use cases are convincing? And how can they be implemented in practice? Industry experts discussed these questions at the interdisciplinary aiaibot Customer Roundtable on June 7, 2023 at the aiaibot offices in Dübendorf.

The aim of the aiaibot team is not just to witness the rapid development of ChatGPT as passive observers, but to help shape the future as active players. Because one thing is certain: after the internet, ChatGPT will turn both the world of work and society upside down.

The opportunities for customer service in particular are enormous. At the aiaibot Customer Roundtable, the first pioneers demonstrated the enormous potential of the AI revolution. They not only shared their thoughts and ideas, but also discussed initial pilot projects and their project phases.

Whether financial service provider, insurance company, public administration, institution, publisher or energy supplier: «The AI service transformation is underway. We have it in our hands to develop use cases with added value for customers and score points with the service experience of tomorrow», explains host Tom Buser, CEO of aiaibot..

The AI service transformation

aiaibot relies on the connection of ChatGPT to the aiaibot platform. This is because ChatGPT is strong at generating texts. However, the leading AI does not take the truth very seriously. A no-go for aiaibot customers, who expect the highest level of seriousness and reliability.

The combination of aiaibot and ChatGPT ensures what ChatGPT alone cannot achieve: Context-related information from the company's internal content is processed by ChatGPT in such a way that the customer receives a compact answer to their question instead of several links or articles. At the same time, an intelligent fallback situation ensures that in selected cases customers receive personal advice in the chat or on the hotline.

How the effective interaction works
aiaibot x ChatGPT

In this service evolution, which is already being tested with selected customers, all aiaibot modules plus the GPT Language Model from OpenAI work together. By means of the semantic search in the knowledge base, which selects the relevant texts to answer the user question and transfers them to GPT, the aiaibot platform ensures that the language model generates an answer based on the specific content. To do this, the available content is loaded into the aiaibot platform. Embedding (vectorization) takes place here, which enables the search for knowledge that matches the content of a question Alternatively, aiaibot's FAQ module is used for frequently asked questions in order to save transaction costs for the use of GPT or if user questions are not to be transferred to GPT. «aaiaibot takes over the orchestration of all AI technologies and ensures that user requests are not only answered in the best possible way, but that data protection, security and ethical standards are also adhered to», says AI expert Dr. Hans-Peter Uebersax, co-founder of aiaibot.

Link aiaibot and GPT - and get started in four weeks

If a company is interested in the powerful interaction of aiaibot and GPT from OpenAI, the following procedure has proven itself:

  1. Define topics
  2. Provide content. This may come across as unstructured!
  3. Embedding (importing and vectorizing content)
  4. Customizing the chatbot dialog
  5. Provide handover to live consulting (live chat, hotline, video) - especially if added value can be generated.
  6. Enter FAQ and/or generate with GPT
  7. Test, learn, optimize

«The pilot will be ready for use after four weeks», promises Uebersax. His conclusion: «The combination of content and knowledge bases from the aiaibot platform and the GPT language model is a game changer. It not only increases service efficiency, but also significantly improves the customer experience.»



The aiaibot Customer Roundtable takes place twice a year. It offers an interdisciplinary exchange of experiences between experts at eye level on best practices in the areas of chatbots and service automation. The aim is to learn together, grow together and actively shape relevant topics.