The Chatbot makes Contact with Authorities easy and uncomplicated


6. Betriebsferien-Chatbot


Auch wenn du in den Betriebsferien bist und nicht die Möglichkeit hast, innert kurzer Frist zu antworten, kann ein Chatbot deine Ferienvertretung übernehmen und Tag und Nacht für dich die Stellung halten.


Der Chatbot kann während deiner Abwesenheit potenzielle Kunden beraten, Termine vereinbaren und Kontaktdaten sammeln. Kommst du dann aus den Weihnachtsferien zurück, erwartet dich eine zweite Bescherung an potenziellen Neukunden!












Viele KMUs oder Agenturen nutzen die Zeit über Weihnachten und Neujahr, um eine kleine Pause einzulegen. Viele Kunden oder Lieferanten sind während dieser Zeit ebenfalls in den Weihnachtsferien oder haben zumindest die Produktion reduziert. Dennoch nutzen potenzielle Kunden die ruhigen Tage zur Online-Recherche und gelangen auf deine Website.




Das sind 6 Ideen, wie du den Chatbot als saisonalen digitalen Kontaktkanal einsetzen kannst. Starte noch heute mit deinem Chatbot – die Erstellung und Integration in deine Website sind super einfach.


Innert weniger Stunden ist dein Weihnachts-Bot live!

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insights · Veröffentlicht am 29.8.2022

Public offices and authorities, including in particular residents' registration, civil status, tax or migration offices, spend a large part of their time answering questions about their area of activity. Their goal is, of course, to answer inquiries as quickly and competently as possible - whether by email or telephone - but waiting times, especially during peaks in submission deadlines or the like, can nevertheless hardly be avoided with these two communication channels. 

A digital assistant or chatbot is capable of answering standard queries independently and supporting employees so that they have more time again for more complex cases. It does this always in a good mood, independent of office opening hours and around the clock.

There are already good examples of how helpful a chatbot can be for residents' services. Various offices are already benefiting from a digital employee in the team and using its advantages.

The chatbot at the service of residents

At the civil registry office of the city of Lucerne, a chatbot supports residents around the clock in resolving their concerns independently digitally and without waiting times. The days when the office could only be contacted by phone and email or on site during office hours are over. Forms can now be ordered easily via Bot, and other matters relating to marriage preparation, marriage or death can be processed and resolved independently. Documents can also be ordered easily via the digital assistant.

The residents' service of the city of Bern has recently started using a chatbot to help with telephone inquiries as well. The bot relieves the team of simple questions and also links to the documents they are looking for. It can also take over the ordering of certificates and inquiries about dogs. This avoids busy phones and corresponding waiting times and relieves the employees.

Another exciting project is currently underway in the area of migration at the Basel-Stadt social welfare office. A chatbot is being developed there that will advise refugees from Ukraine in German and Ukrainian. The bot is to provide those seeking help with information in their own language on the topics of registration for an S permit, financial support/social assistance, accommodation, school, job and help from an interpreter.

And there are many more potential uses for a chatbot in public services.

Use cases and benefits

The areas of application for the bot are extremely diverse. Basically, a chatbot relieves employees and offers citizens or other information seekers an extremely positive customer experience. The bot is always on duty, and since it is endlessly scalable, waiting times are also eliminated.

However, the chatbot does not simply convey information and answer questions. It is also simultaneously...

  • an ideal communication tool when it comes to serving people with different native languages. The language of the bot can be kept very simple in a targeted manner, and it is possible to offer the bot in multiple languages without any problems. (Good example: the migration bot of the Basel-Stadt social welfare office). 
  • a solution to «barriers» of any kind: Many people have difficulty calling an office. They feel uncomfortable doing so or have the feeling that they cannot express themselves well enough in writing. Such emotional inhibitions arise much less in communication with a «robot» than with a normal employee.

In addition, the language of the bot can be specifically designed so that it is easy to understand. In addition, the bot is always in a good mood. Also for this reason, and not only because it is available 24/7, many people nowadays specifically choose the chatbot as a communication partner when it is offered as a channel.

One bot solves many problems in one go

Every public contact point and every authority will certainly recognize itself from the example of the city of Lucerne and Berne, because everywhere there are standard inquiries that come in every day and always have to be answered in a similar way, and which eat up an enormous amount of time despite their simplicity. Many people are also probably familiar with the fact that many inquiries are received on topics that could actually be found on their own website. A chatbot helps citizens to answer many questions in self-service and to find the information. In addition, it offers a wonderfully neutral contact channel that reduces inhibitions and fears among people who shy away from contacting the office directly.

If you no longer want to do without a digital assistant, or if you no longer want to deprive your customers of this contact option, then we will be happy to help you take the appropriate steps to a successful bot with our extensive experience with public authorities.

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