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How to find the right Name for your Chatbot

Written by Laura Colacicco | 27.10.2021

The first important step is done: You have created a chatbot! You have chosen the use case, the story is ready to go - all that is missing is a suitable chatbot name? Then you've come to the right place with this article.

The name of your chatbot is one of the first things your customer or website visitor sees after they click on the chatbot or it speaks directly to them, catching their attention. That's why it's important to pick an appropriate and carefully chosen name. In this article, we'll show you the options and approaches for naming and how other companies have done it before you.

Nomen est omen

Names say something about a person or a thing and identify them as well. This rule also applies to chatbots. So before you start finding a name, you should first think about what your chatbot should represent or what it should stand for. We have summarized various examples and methods that should make it easier for you to find a suitable name for your virtual assistant.

Name by function

One way to name your chatbot would be to go by its function. For example, this is what Social Security Insurance Aargau did. Their chatbot is named «Maxi» and stands for «Maximum Customer Enthusiasm». The Zuger Kantonalbank, which recently introduced its chatbot «Mona», also named it after its function. The cantonal bank, unlike SVA, uses the leading verse method in its naming. Specifically, this means that the initial syllables of a sentence result in a new word or name. This game can be combined in many ways and the function and purpose of the bot can also be stored behind the name.

Accordingly, the name«Mona» is composed as follows: 
  • My
  • Online
  • Assistant 
-> Mona

As a complement to the corporate identity

Another approach could be to derive the name of your chatbot from the company name or an important corporate asset, as Sympany has done, for example. The health insurance company named its bot «Sympi», based on the company name. WAS Luzern, on the other hand, has named its bot «WASI» or then there is also «Spoty», the service advisor of Microspot in matters of warranty or payment. Thus, the connection of chatbot to company seems clear and consistent and complements the corporate identity as such.

Independent of the corporate identity

Of course, your chatbot can also have a name completely independent of the corporate identity or its function. This is what the German insurance group «ERGO» thought when they gave their bot the name «Alfred». This is simply a frequently used name, according to the expert who was given to me during the live chat function.

Not so hard

If you are still having difficulties finding a name, you could, for example, also start an internal competition and ask your employees to send in suggestions for a suitable naming. This way, you will have a variety of names to choose from in no time and your employees will also thank you for giving them the opportunity to participate.

So you see, finding a name doesn't have to be difficult. If you know what you want to achieve with your chatbot, then you can easily find a funny and suitable name using the methods mentioned above. Of course, a good dose of creativity should not be missing either. If you have any further questions about your chatbot, feel free to visit our help center.

I wish you a lot of fun with naming and good luck with your new project.