Self-service for citizens of the city of Aarau

Written by aiaibot | Jan 11, 2024 10:49:35 AM

Initial situation

The city of Aarau offers its almost 22,000 citizens a wide range of online support with information and answers in the areas of life, culture, leisure, politics, administration and business.

Previously, the city office was inundated with simple questions or form orders by phone or email. Each consultation takes up to ten minutes of valuable time, which robs the staff of important resources. Many citizens even often visited the counter in person during opening hours. With the introduction of aiaibot, residents of the Aargau capital now have the opportunity to resolve their concerns independently and without waiting times via the digital self-service chatbot. The chatbot provides information on questions about residents' services, permits, the police, the depot, housing and moving house.


Idea & realization

The city of Aarau is very keen to provide citizens with answers to their questions quickly and efficiently. The chatbot picks up the questioner directly on the homepage and inquires about their needs. Depending on the subject area selected, it guides them to the page they are looking for or resolves their query directly. This ultimately creates a great customer experience for each individual citizen.

After just a few weeks, the chatbot went live on the city of Aarau's website shortly before the end of 2022 and recorded over 22,000 user sessions in its first month. Around 80% of users are satisfied or very satisfied with the chatbot's advice.

Thanks to the digital counter, the counter staff are relieved and can now concentrate on more important personal citizen services.

The citizen chatbot is constantly being developed further. New self-services are already being planned and are due to go live soon.

The city of Aarau is delighted with aiaibot. They were particularly impressed that they were able to set up their chatbot so quickly and easily with one resource within 4 weeks. Sebrina Pedrossi, project manager at the city of Aarau, explains: 

With the aiaibot service automation platform, we can make new services available to our citizens quickly and easily via a convenient digital channel. The platform is super easy to use and can automate entire service processes end-to-end.