Why every FinTech Company needs a Chatbot


When people talk about FinTechs today, this is to be understood as a collective term for modern technologies and innovations in the field of financial services that are related to increasing digitization. New players are appearing on the playing field that was previously reserved for more traditional banks and financial institutions, offering new options for financial services.

\nThese can be processes, products or offerings such as digital innovations and smart convenience functions in smartphone banking of the so-called neo-banks, or the automation of investment advice and financing by so-called robo advisors. Tools such as mobile payment or crowdfunding or lending also fall into this area. FinTechs therefore use digital technologies and like to compete with the purely traditional companies in the industry. Their goal is to fundamentally change the traditional branch-based business models and to develop them further in such a way that they can offer customers completely new solutions and services.","rss_body":"

When people talk about FinTechs today, this is to be understood as a collective term for modern technologies and innovations in the field of financial services that are related to increasing digitization. New players are appearing on the playing field that was previously reserved for more traditional banks and financial institutions, offering new options for financial services.

\nThese can be processes, products or offerings such as digital innovations and smart convenience functions in smartphone banking of the so-called neo-banks, or the automation of investment advice and financing by so-called robo advisors. Tools such as mobile payment or crowdfunding or lending also fall into this area. FinTechs therefore use digital technologies and like to compete with the purely traditional companies in the industry. Their goal is to fundamentally change the traditional branch-based business models and to develop them further in such a way that they can offer customers completely new solutions and services.


Scalable business model seeks scalable technologies


FinTechs, which are characterized by their high digital affinity, operate exclusively online and aim to optimize or supplement existing technologies, offerings, processes, and products. They thus certainly have the potential to displace or replace established services or providers. Fast, simple, inexpensive, no hidden fees, full control, and this anywhere and at any time are the buzzwords and the trump cards with which they win over new customers or entice them away from competitors elsewhere. The existing classic system of the previous financial institutions and banks is being transformed into a new form, so to speak, which is why the term FinTech is inevitably associated with a strong disruptive component.


At the same time, however, the FinTechs' business model must also have the necessary capacities to grow along with their increasing size. It must be scalable.


At the same time, however, the FinTechs' business model must also have the necessary capacities to grow along with their increasing size. It must be scalable. If more inquiries are received from potential interested parties and existing customers, it must also be possible to process them promptly and efficiently.


Chatbots grow with customer communication


Anyone who is exclusively active online must also offer interaction and communication options that are available around the clock and digitally and offer support. Email or telephone during office hours are not adequate channels for a purely digital company - and do not fit in with the target group, which is also predominantly characterized by a high level of digital affinity.


It is therefore not surprising that there are already a number of FinTechs that have recognized the advantages of chatbots and already count on a bot.


To ensure that FinTechs can still meet these requirements when the company is growing rapidly, the chatbot is the perfect customer touchpoint. The always-available digital helper is available to users at any time and is suitable for countless use cases to help customers resolve their concerns quickly and largely independently. This in turn significantly reduces the request load on the service team and minimizes administrative costs. In addition, a chatbot makes customer communication more varied. All these advantages together significantly improve the customer experience.


It is therefore not surprising that there are already a number of FinTechs that have recognized the advantages of chatbots and already count on a bot. But also originally traditional banks use digital innovative technologies.


Chatbots in use by Swiss FinTechs and banks


In Switzerland, the neobank YAPEAL is successful. It uses the bot «Yapolina» as a new 24/7 communication channel to answer frequent questions of its customers in 4 languages (D, F, Ita, Eng). Currently, Yapolina mainly relieves customer service of standard concerns, but there are plans to further expand Yapolina as a new digital communication channel and use it for various use cases besides FAQs. Another use case is the employee benefits app Frankly. There, chatbot «Flik» communicates with potential customers and efficiently convinces them to create a Pillar 3A account at Zürcher Kantonalbank.


FinTechs should not do without a chatbot


An online presence of an up-and-coming FinTech is simply not complete without a chatbot, because customers can quickly find answers to their questions through the digital assistant, are directed to the right subpages or to forms, and can solve many of their concerns directly on their own. This gives them the feeling of being well looked after all round, because personal is also possible digitally. And most importantly, chatbots are infinitely scalable - they can handle an unlimited number of requests synchronously and continue to evolve, adding new use cases as and when they are needed. With a chatbot, FinTechs also position themselves as digitally affine at first glance and thus underscore their vision of pure online business. 


The two examples from the financial sector mentioned above clearly show that the chatbot channel is already firmly established among customers and enjoys great popularity.


The two examples from the financial sector mentioned above clearly show that the chatbot channel is already firmly established among customers and enjoys great popularity. They no longer use it only in their free time, but are also happy to handle more confidential matters, such as finance and banking issues, via the digital assistant. The bot also saves them valuable time by directing them to the information, services or forms they are looking for, or by helping them with downloads. They therefore like to consult the bots frequently, thereby relieving the burden on other communication channels such as email or telephone. In this way, these bots also do an excellent job in the area of marketing and sales and are very successful in convincing interested parties of the company and winning them over as customers.


New call-to-action

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When people talk about FinTechs today, this is to be understood as a collective term for modern technologies and innovations in the field of financial services that are related to increasing digitization. New players are appearing on the playing field that was previously reserved for more traditional banks and financial institutions, offering new options for financial services.

\nThese can be processes, products or offerings such as digital innovations and smart convenience functions in smartphone banking of the so-called neo-banks, or the automation of investment advice and financing by so-called robo advisors. Tools such as mobile payment or crowdfunding or lending also fall into this area. FinTechs therefore use digital technologies and like to compete with the purely traditional companies in the industry. Their goal is to fundamentally change the traditional branch-based business models and to develop them further in such a way that they can offer customers completely new solutions and services.


Scalable business model seeks scalable technologies


FinTechs, which are characterized by their high digital affinity, operate exclusively online and aim to optimize or supplement existing technologies, offerings, processes, and products. They thus certainly have the potential to displace or replace established services or providers. Fast, simple, inexpensive, no hidden fees, full control, and this anywhere and at any time are the buzzwords and the trump cards with which they win over new customers or entice them away from competitors elsewhere. The existing classic system of the previous financial institutions and banks is being transformed into a new form, so to speak, which is why the term FinTech is inevitably associated with a strong disruptive component.


At the same time, however, the FinTechs' business model must also have the necessary capacities to grow along with their increasing size. It must be scalable.


At the same time, however, the FinTechs' business model must also have the necessary capacities to grow along with their increasing size. It must be scalable. If more inquiries are received from potential interested parties and existing customers, it must also be possible to process them promptly and efficiently.


Chatbots grow with customer communication


Anyone who is exclusively active online must also offer interaction and communication options that are available around the clock and digitally and offer support. Email or telephone during office hours are not adequate channels for a purely digital company - and do not fit in with the target group, which is also predominantly characterized by a high level of digital affinity.


It is therefore not surprising that there are already a number of FinTechs that have recognized the advantages of chatbots and already count on a bot.


To ensure that FinTechs can still meet these requirements when the company is growing rapidly, the chatbot is the perfect customer touchpoint. The always-available digital helper is available to users at any time and is suitable for countless use cases to help customers resolve their concerns quickly and largely independently. This in turn significantly reduces the request load on the service team and minimizes administrative costs. In addition, a chatbot makes customer communication more varied. All these advantages together significantly improve the customer experience.


It is therefore not surprising that there are already a number of FinTechs that have recognized the advantages of chatbots and already count on a bot. But also originally traditional banks use digital innovative technologies.


Chatbots in use by Swiss FinTechs and banks


In Switzerland, the neobank YAPEAL is successful. It uses the bot «Yapolina» as a new 24/7 communication channel to answer frequent questions of its customers in 4 languages (D, F, Ita, Eng). Currently, Yapolina mainly relieves customer service of standard concerns, but there are plans to further expand Yapolina as a new digital communication channel and use it for various use cases besides FAQs. Another use case is the employee benefits app Frankly. There, chatbot «Flik» communicates with potential customers and efficiently convinces them to create a Pillar 3A account at Zürcher Kantonalbank.


FinTechs should not do without a chatbot


An online presence of an up-and-coming FinTech is simply not complete without a chatbot, because customers can quickly find answers to their questions through the digital assistant, are directed to the right subpages or to forms, and can solve many of their concerns directly on their own. This gives them the feeling of being well looked after all round, because personal is also possible digitally. And most importantly, chatbots are infinitely scalable - they can handle an unlimited number of requests synchronously and continue to evolve, adding new use cases as and when they are needed. With a chatbot, FinTechs also position themselves as digitally affine at first glance and thus underscore their vision of pure online business. 


The two examples from the financial sector mentioned above clearly show that the chatbot channel is already firmly established among customers and enjoys great popularity.


The two examples from the financial sector mentioned above clearly show that the chatbot channel is already firmly established among customers and enjoys great popularity. They no longer use it only in their free time, but are also happy to handle more confidential matters, such as finance and banking issues, via the digital assistant. The bot also saves them valuable time by directing them to the information, services or forms they are looking for, or by helping them with downloads. They therefore like to consult the bots frequently, thereby relieving the burden on other communication channels such as email or telephone. In this way, these bots also do an excellent job in the area of marketing and sales and are very successful in convincing interested parties of the company and winning them over as customers.


New call-to-action


When people talk about FinTechs today, this is to be understood as a collective term for modern technologies and innovations in the field of financial services that are related to increasing digitization. New players are appearing on the playing field that was previously reserved for more traditional banks and financial institutions, offering new options for financial services.

\nThese can be processes, products or offerings such as digital innovations and smart convenience functions in smartphone banking of the so-called neo-banks, or the automation of investment advice and financing by so-called robo advisors. Tools such as mobile payment or crowdfunding or lending also fall into this area. FinTechs therefore use digital technologies and like to compete with the purely traditional companies in the industry. Their goal is to fundamentally change the traditional branch-based business models and to develop them further in such a way that they can offer customers completely new solutions and services.


Scalable business model seeks scalable technologies


FinTechs, which are characterized by their high digital affinity, operate exclusively online and aim to optimize or supplement existing technologies, offerings, processes, and products. They thus certainly have the potential to displace or replace established services or providers. Fast, simple, inexpensive, no hidden fees, full control, and this anywhere and at any time are the buzzwords and the trump cards with which they win over new customers or entice them away from competitors elsewhere. The existing classic system of the previous financial institutions and banks is being transformed into a new form, so to speak, which is why the term FinTech is inevitably associated with a strong disruptive component.


At the same time, however, the FinTechs' business model must also have the necessary capacities to grow along with their increasing size. It must be scalable.


At the same time, however, the FinTechs' business model must also have the necessary capacities to grow along with their increasing size. It must be scalable. If more inquiries are received from potential interested parties and existing customers, it must also be possible to process them promptly and efficiently.


Chatbots grow with customer communication


Anyone who is exclusively active online must also offer interaction and communication options that are available around the clock and digitally and offer support. Email or telephone during office hours are not adequate channels for a purely digital company - and do not fit in with the target group, which is also predominantly characterized by a high level of digital affinity.


It is therefore not surprising that there are already a number of FinTechs that have recognized the advantages of chatbots and already count on a bot.


To ensure that FinTechs can still meet these requirements when the company is growing rapidly, the chatbot is the perfect customer touchpoint. The always-available digital helper is available to users at any time and is suitable for countless use cases to help customers resolve their concerns quickly and largely independently. This in turn significantly reduces the request load on the service team and minimizes administrative costs. In addition, a chatbot makes customer communication more varied. All these advantages together significantly improve the customer experience.


It is therefore not surprising that there are already a number of FinTechs that have recognized the advantages of chatbots and already count on a bot. But also originally traditional banks use digital innovative technologies.


Chatbots in use by Swiss FinTechs and banks


In Switzerland, the neobank YAPEAL is successful. It uses the bot «Yapolina» as a new 24/7 communication channel to answer frequent questions of its customers in 4 languages (D, F, Ita, Eng). Currently, Yapolina mainly relieves customer service of standard concerns, but there are plans to further expand Yapolina as a new digital communication channel and use it for various use cases besides FAQs. Another use case is the employee benefits app Frankly. There, chatbot «Flik» communicates with potential customers and efficiently convinces them to create a Pillar 3A account at Zürcher Kantonalbank.


FinTechs should not do without a chatbot


An online presence of an up-and-coming FinTech is simply not complete without a chatbot, because customers can quickly find answers to their questions through the digital assistant, are directed to the right subpages or to forms, and can solve many of their concerns directly on their own. This gives them the feeling of being well looked after all round, because personal is also possible digitally. And most importantly, chatbots are infinitely scalable - they can handle an unlimited number of requests synchronously and continue to evolve, adding new use cases as and when they are needed. With a chatbot, FinTechs also position themselves as digitally affine at first glance and thus underscore their vision of pure online business. 


The two examples from the financial sector mentioned above clearly show that the chatbot channel is already firmly established among customers and enjoys great popularity.


The two examples from the financial sector mentioned above clearly show that the chatbot channel is already firmly established among customers and enjoys great popularity. They no longer use it only in their free time, but are also happy to handle more confidential matters, such as finance and banking issues, via the digital assistant. The bot also saves them valuable time by directing them to the information, services or forms they are looking for, or by helping them with downloads. They therefore like to consult the bots frequently, thereby relieving the burden on other communication channels such as email or telephone. In this way, these bots also do an excellent job in the area of marketing and sales and are very successful in convincing interested parties of the company and winning them over as customers.


New call-to-action


When people talk about FinTechs today, this is to be understood as a collective term for modern technologies and innovations in the field of financial services that are related to increasing digitization. New players are appearing on the playing field that was previously reserved for more traditional banks and financial institutions, offering new options for financial services.

\nThese can be processes, products or offerings such as digital innovations and smart convenience functions in smartphone banking of the so-called neo-banks, or the automation of investment advice and financing by so-called robo advisors. Tools such as mobile payment or crowdfunding or lending also fall into this area. FinTechs therefore use digital technologies and like to compete with the purely traditional companies in the industry. Their goal is to fundamentally change the traditional branch-based business models and to develop them further in such a way that they can offer customers completely new solutions and services.


Scalable business model seeks scalable technologies


FinTechs, which are characterized by their high digital affinity, operate exclusively online and aim to optimize or supplement existing technologies, offerings, processes, and products. They thus certainly have the potential to displace or replace established services or providers. Fast, simple, inexpensive, no hidden fees, full control, and this anywhere and at any time are the buzzwords and the trump cards with which they win over new customers or entice them away from competitors elsewhere. The existing classic system of the previous financial institutions and banks is being transformed into a new form, so to speak, which is why the term FinTech is inevitably associated with a strong disruptive component.


At the same time, however, the FinTechs' business model must also have the necessary capacities to grow along with their increasing size. It must be scalable.


At the same time, however, the FinTechs' business model must also have the necessary capacities to grow along with their increasing size. It must be scalable. If more inquiries are received from potential interested parties and existing customers, it must also be possible to process them promptly and efficiently.


Chatbots grow with customer communication


Anyone who is exclusively active online must also offer interaction and communication options that are available around the clock and digitally and offer support. Email or telephone during office hours are not adequate channels for a purely digital company - and do not fit in with the target group, which is also predominantly characterized by a high level of digital affinity.


It is therefore not surprising that there are already a number of FinTechs that have recognized the advantages of chatbots and already count on a bot.


To ensure that FinTechs can still meet these requirements when the company is growing rapidly, the chatbot is the perfect customer touchpoint. The always-available digital helper is available to users at any time and is suitable for countless use cases to help customers resolve their concerns quickly and largely independently. This in turn significantly reduces the request load on the service team and minimizes administrative costs. In addition, a chatbot makes customer communication more varied. All these advantages together significantly improve the customer experience.


It is therefore not surprising that there are already a number of FinTechs that have recognized the advantages of chatbots and already count on a bot. But also originally traditional banks use digital innovative technologies.


Chatbots in use by Swiss FinTechs and banks


In Switzerland, the neobank YAPEAL is successful. It uses the bot «Yapolina» as a new 24/7 communication channel to answer frequent questions of its customers in 4 languages (D, F, Ita, Eng). Currently, Yapolina mainly relieves customer service of standard concerns, but there are plans to further expand Yapolina as a new digital communication channel and use it for various use cases besides FAQs. Another use case is the employee benefits app Frankly. There, chatbot «Flik» communicates with potential customers and efficiently convinces them to create a Pillar 3A account at Zürcher Kantonalbank.


FinTechs should not do without a chatbot


An online presence of an up-and-coming FinTech is simply not complete without a chatbot, because customers can quickly find answers to their questions through the digital assistant, are directed to the right subpages or to forms, and can solve many of their concerns directly on their own. This gives them the feeling of being well looked after all round, because personal is also possible digitally. And most importantly, chatbots are infinitely scalable - they can handle an unlimited number of requests synchronously and continue to evolve, adding new use cases as and when they are needed. With a chatbot, FinTechs also position themselves as digitally affine at first glance and thus underscore their vision of pure online business. 


The two examples from the financial sector mentioned above clearly show that the chatbot channel is already firmly established among customers and enjoys great popularity.


The two examples from the financial sector mentioned above clearly show that the chatbot channel is already firmly established among customers and enjoys great popularity. They no longer use it only in their free time, but are also happy to handle more confidential matters, such as finance and banking issues, via the digital assistant. The bot also saves them valuable time by directing them to the information, services or forms they are looking for, or by helping them with downloads. They therefore like to consult the bots frequently, thereby relieving the burden on other communication channels such as email or telephone. In this way, these bots also do an excellent job in the area of marketing and sales and are very successful in convincing interested parties of the company and winning them over as customers.


New call-to-action


When people talk about FinTechs today, this is to be understood as a collective term for modern technologies and innovations in the field of financial services that are related to increasing digitization. New players are appearing on the playing field that was previously reserved for more traditional banks and financial institutions, offering new options for financial services.

\nThese can be processes, products or offerings such as digital innovations and smart convenience functions in smartphone banking of the so-called neo-banks, or the automation of investment advice and financing by so-called robo advisors. Tools such as mobile payment or crowdfunding or lending also fall into this area. FinTechs therefore use digital technologies and like to compete with the purely traditional companies in the industry. Their goal is to fundamentally change the traditional branch-based business models and to develop them further in such a way that they can offer customers completely new solutions and services.


Scalable business model seeks scalable technologies


FinTechs, which are characterized by their high digital affinity, operate exclusively online and aim to optimize or supplement existing technologies, offerings, processes, and products. They thus certainly have the potential to displace or replace established services or providers. Fast, simple, inexpensive, no hidden fees, full control, and this anywhere and at any time are the buzzwords and the trump cards with which they win over new customers or entice them away from competitors elsewhere. The existing classic system of the previous financial institutions and banks is being transformed into a new form, so to speak, which is why the term FinTech is inevitably associated with a strong disruptive component.


At the same time, however, the FinTechs' business model must also have the necessary capacities to grow along with their increasing size. It must be scalable.


At the same time, however, the FinTechs' business model must also have the necessary capacities to grow along with their increasing size. It must be scalable. If more inquiries are received from potential interested parties and existing customers, it must also be possible to process them promptly and efficiently.


Chatbots grow with customer communication


Anyone who is exclusively active online must also offer interaction and communication options that are available around the clock and digitally and offer support. Email or telephone during office hours are not adequate channels for a purely digital company - and do not fit in with the target group, which is also predominantly characterized by a high level of digital affinity.


It is therefore not surprising that there are already a number of FinTechs that have recognized the advantages of chatbots and already count on a bot.


To ensure that FinTechs can still meet these requirements when the company is growing rapidly, the chatbot is the perfect customer touchpoint. The always-available digital helper is available to users at any time and is suitable for countless use cases to help customers resolve their concerns quickly and largely independently. This in turn significantly reduces the request load on the service team and minimizes administrative costs. In addition, a chatbot makes customer communication more varied. All these advantages together significantly improve the customer experience.


It is therefore not surprising that there are already a number of FinTechs that have recognized the advantages of chatbots and already count on a bot. But also originally traditional banks use digital innovative technologies.


Chatbots in use by Swiss FinTechs and banks


In Switzerland, the neobank YAPEAL is successful. It uses the bot «Yapolina» as a new 24/7 communication channel to answer frequent questions of its customers in 4 languages (D, F, Ita, Eng). Currently, Yapolina mainly relieves customer service of standard concerns, but there are plans to further expand Yapolina as a new digital communication channel and use it for various use cases besides FAQs. Another use case is the employee benefits app Frankly. There, chatbot «Flik» communicates with potential customers and efficiently convinces them to create a Pillar 3A account at Zürcher Kantonalbank.


FinTechs should not do without a chatbot


An online presence of an up-and-coming FinTech is simply not complete without a chatbot, because customers can quickly find answers to their questions through the digital assistant, are directed to the right subpages or to forms, and can solve many of their concerns directly on their own. This gives them the feeling of being well looked after all round, because personal is also possible digitally. And most importantly, chatbots are infinitely scalable - they can handle an unlimited number of requests synchronously and continue to evolve, adding new use cases as and when they are needed. With a chatbot, FinTechs also position themselves as digitally affine at first glance and thus underscore their vision of pure online business. 


The two examples from the financial sector mentioned above clearly show that the chatbot channel is already firmly established among customers and enjoys great popularity.


The two examples from the financial sector mentioned above clearly show that the chatbot channel is already firmly established among customers and enjoys great popularity. They no longer use it only in their free time, but are also happy to handle more confidential matters, such as finance and banking issues, via the digital assistant. The bot also saves them valuable time by directing them to the information, services or forms they are looking for, or by helping them with downloads. They therefore like to consult the bots frequently, thereby relieving the burden on other communication channels such as email or telephone. In this way, these bots also do an excellent job in the area of marketing and sales and are very successful in convincing interested parties of the company and winning them over as customers.


New call-to-action


When people talk about FinTechs today, this is to be understood as a collective term for modern technologies and innovations in the field of financial services that are related to increasing digitization. New players are appearing on the playing field that was previously reserved for more traditional banks and financial institutions, offering new options for financial services.

\nThese can be processes, products or offerings such as digital innovations and smart convenience functions in smartphone banking of the so-called neo-banks, or the automation of investment advice and financing by so-called robo advisors. Tools such as mobile payment or crowdfunding or lending also fall into this area. FinTechs therefore use digital technologies and like to compete with the purely traditional companies in the industry. Their goal is to fundamentally change the traditional branch-based business models and to develop them further in such a way that they can offer customers completely new solutions and services.


Scalable business model seeks scalable technologies


FinTechs, which are characterized by their high digital affinity, operate exclusively online and aim to optimize or supplement existing technologies, offerings, processes, and products. They thus certainly have the potential to displace or replace established services or providers. Fast, simple, inexpensive, no hidden fees, full control, and this anywhere and at any time are the buzzwords and the trump cards with which they win over new customers or entice them away from competitors elsewhere. The existing classic system of the previous financial institutions and banks is being transformed into a new form, so to speak, which is why the term FinTech is inevitably associated with a strong disruptive component.


At the same time, however, the FinTechs' business model must also have the necessary capacities to grow along with their increasing size. It must be scalable.


At the same time, however, the FinTechs' business model must also have the necessary capacities to grow along with their increasing size. It must be scalable. If more inquiries are received from potential interested parties and existing customers, it must also be possible to process them promptly and efficiently.


Chatbots grow with customer communication


Anyone who is exclusively active online must also offer interaction and communication options that are available around the clock and digitally and offer support. Email or telephone during office hours are not adequate channels for a purely digital company - and do not fit in with the target group, which is also predominantly characterized by a high level of digital affinity.


It is therefore not surprising that there are already a number of FinTechs that have recognized the advantages of chatbots and already count on a bot.


To ensure that FinTechs can still meet these requirements when the company is growing rapidly, the chatbot is the perfect customer touchpoint. The always-available digital helper is available to users at any time and is suitable for countless use cases to help customers resolve their concerns quickly and largely independently. This in turn significantly reduces the request load on the service team and minimizes administrative costs. In addition, a chatbot makes customer communication more varied. All these advantages together significantly improve the customer experience.


It is therefore not surprising that there are already a number of FinTechs that have recognized the advantages of chatbots and already count on a bot. But also originally traditional banks use digital innovative technologies.


Chatbots in use by Swiss FinTechs and banks


In Switzerland, the neobank YAPEAL is successful. It uses the bot «Yapolina» as a new 24/7 communication channel to answer frequent questions of its customers in 4 languages (D, F, Ita, Eng). Currently, Yapolina mainly relieves customer service of standard concerns, but there are plans to further expand Yapolina as a new digital communication channel and use it for various use cases besides FAQs. Another use case is the employee benefits app Frankly. There, chatbot «Flik» communicates with potential customers and efficiently convinces them to create a Pillar 3A account at Zürcher Kantonalbank.


FinTechs should not do without a chatbot


An online presence of an up-and-coming FinTech is simply not complete without a chatbot, because customers can quickly find answers to their questions through the digital assistant, are directed to the right subpages or to forms, and can solve many of their concerns directly on their own. This gives them the feeling of being well looked after all round, because personal is also possible digitally. And most importantly, chatbots are infinitely scalable - they can handle an unlimited number of requests synchronously and continue to evolve, adding new use cases as and when they are needed. With a chatbot, FinTechs also position themselves as digitally affine at first glance and thus underscore their vision of pure online business. 


The two examples from the financial sector mentioned above clearly show that the chatbot channel is already firmly established among customers and enjoys great popularity.


The two examples from the financial sector mentioned above clearly show that the chatbot channel is already firmly established among customers and enjoys great popularity. They no longer use it only in their free time, but are also happy to handle more confidential matters, such as finance and banking issues, via the digital assistant. The bot also saves them valuable time by directing them to the information, services or forms they are looking for, or by helping them with downloads. They therefore like to consult the bots frequently, thereby relieving the burden on other communication channels such as email or telephone. In this way, these bots also do an excellent job in the area of marketing and sales and are very successful in convincing interested parties of the company and winning them over as customers.


New call-to-action


When people talk about FinTechs today, this is to be understood as a collective term for modern technologies and innovations in the field of financial services that are related to increasing digitization. New players are appearing on the playing field that was previously reserved for more traditional banks and financial institutions, offering new options for financial services.

\nThese can be processes, products or offerings such as digital innovations and smart convenience functions in smartphone banking of the so-called neo-banks, or the automation of investment advice and financing by so-called robo advisors. Tools such as mobile payment or crowdfunding or lending also fall into this area. FinTechs therefore use digital technologies and like to compete with the purely traditional companies in the industry. Their goal is to fundamentally change the traditional branch-based business models and to develop them further in such a way that they can offer customers completely new solutions and services.","postSummaryRss":"

When people talk about FinTechs today, this is to be understood as a collective term for modern technologies and innovations in the field of financial services that are related to increasing digitization. New players are appearing on the playing field that was previously reserved for more traditional banks and financial institutions, offering new options for financial services.

\nThese can be processes, products or offerings such as digital innovations and smart convenience functions in smartphone banking of the so-called neo-banks, or the automation of investment advice and financing by so-called robo advisors. Tools such as mobile payment or crowdfunding or lending also fall into this area. FinTechs therefore use digital technologies and like to compete with the purely traditional companies in the industry. Their goal is to fundamentally change the traditional branch-based business models and to develop them further in such a way that they can offer customers completely new solutions and services.","postTemplate":"generated_layouts/33334277900.html","previewImageSrc":null,"previewKey":"iJczlgyI","previousPostFeaturedImage":"https://f.hubspotusercontent30.net/hubfs/5893787/Bildschirmfoto%202021-09-09%20um%2009.36.35.png","previousPostFeaturedImageAltText":"","previousPostName":"Advantages and Disadvantages of Chatbot Use – Turning Weaknesses into Strengths","previousPostSlug":"en/blog/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-chatbot-use","processingStatus":"PUBLISHED","propertyForDynamicPageCanonicalUrl":null,"propertyForDynamicPageFeaturedImage":null,"propertyForDynamicPageMetaDescription":null,"propertyForDynamicPageSlug":null,"propertyForDynamicPageTitle":null,"publicAccessRules":[],"publicAccessRulesEnabled":false,"publishDate":1640262969000,"publishDateLocalTime":1640262969000,"publishDateLocalized":{"date":1640262969000,"format":"d.M.yyyy","language":"en"},"publishImmediately":true,"publishTimezoneOffset":null,"publishedAt":1645608230337,"publishedByEmail":null,"publishedById":4701442,"publishedByName":null,"publishedUrl":"https://www.aiaibot.com/en/blog/why-every-fintech-company-needs-a-chatbot","resolvedDomain":"www.aiaibot.com","resolvedLanguage":null,"rssBody":"

When people talk about FinTechs today, this is to be understood as a collective term for modern technologies and innovations in the field of financial services that are related to increasing digitization. New players are appearing on the playing field that was previously reserved for more traditional banks and financial institutions, offering new options for financial services.

\nThese can be processes, products or offerings such as digital innovations and smart convenience functions in smartphone banking of the so-called neo-banks, or the automation of investment advice and financing by so-called robo advisors. Tools such as mobile payment or crowdfunding or lending also fall into this area. FinTechs therefore use digital technologies and like to compete with the purely traditional companies in the industry. Their goal is to fundamentally change the traditional branch-based business models and to develop them further in such a way that they can offer customers completely new solutions and services.


Scalable business model seeks scalable technologies


FinTechs, which are characterized by their high digital affinity, operate exclusively online and aim to optimize or supplement existing technologies, offerings, processes, and products. They thus certainly have the potential to displace or replace established services or providers. Fast, simple, inexpensive, no hidden fees, full control, and this anywhere and at any time are the buzzwords and the trump cards with which they win over new customers or entice them away from competitors elsewhere. The existing classic system of the previous financial institutions and banks is being transformed into a new form, so to speak, which is why the term FinTech is inevitably associated with a strong disruptive component.


At the same time, however, the FinTechs' business model must also have the necessary capacities to grow along with their increasing size. It must be scalable.


At the same time, however, the FinTechs' business model must also have the necessary capacities to grow along with their increasing size. It must be scalable. If more inquiries are received from potential interested parties and existing customers, it must also be possible to process them promptly and efficiently.


Chatbots grow with customer communication


Anyone who is exclusively active online must also offer interaction and communication options that are available around the clock and digitally and offer support. Email or telephone during office hours are not adequate channels for a purely digital company - and do not fit in with the target group, which is also predominantly characterized by a high level of digital affinity.


It is therefore not surprising that there are already a number of FinTechs that have recognized the advantages of chatbots and already count on a bot.


To ensure that FinTechs can still meet these requirements when the company is growing rapidly, the chatbot is the perfect customer touchpoint. The always-available digital helper is available to users at any time and is suitable for countless use cases to help customers resolve their concerns quickly and largely independently. This in turn significantly reduces the request load on the service team and minimizes administrative costs. In addition, a chatbot makes customer communication more varied. All these advantages together significantly improve the customer experience.


It is therefore not surprising that there are already a number of FinTechs that have recognized the advantages of chatbots and already count on a bot. But also originally traditional banks use digital innovative technologies.


Chatbots in use by Swiss FinTechs and banks


In Switzerland, the neobank YAPEAL is successful. It uses the bot «Yapolina» as a new 24/7 communication channel to answer frequent questions of its customers in 4 languages (D, F, Ita, Eng). Currently, Yapolina mainly relieves customer service of standard concerns, but there are plans to further expand Yapolina as a new digital communication channel and use it for various use cases besides FAQs. Another use case is the employee benefits app Frankly. There, chatbot «Flik» communicates with potential customers and efficiently convinces them to create a Pillar 3A account at Zürcher Kantonalbank.


FinTechs should not do without a chatbot


An online presence of an up-and-coming FinTech is simply not complete without a chatbot, because customers can quickly find answers to their questions through the digital assistant, are directed to the right subpages or to forms, and can solve many of their concerns directly on their own. This gives them the feeling of being well looked after all round, because personal is also possible digitally. And most importantly, chatbots are infinitely scalable - they can handle an unlimited number of requests synchronously and continue to evolve, adding new use cases as and when they are needed. With a chatbot, FinTechs also position themselves as digitally affine at first glance and thus underscore their vision of pure online business. 


The two examples from the financial sector mentioned above clearly show that the chatbot channel is already firmly established among customers and enjoys great popularity.


The two examples from the financial sector mentioned above clearly show that the chatbot channel is already firmly established among customers and enjoys great popularity. They no longer use it only in their free time, but are also happy to handle more confidential matters, such as finance and banking issues, via the digital assistant. The bot also saves them valuable time by directing them to the information, services or forms they are looking for, or by helping them with downloads. They therefore like to consult the bots frequently, thereby relieving the burden on other communication channels such as email or telephone. In this way, these bots also do an excellent job in the area of marketing and sales and are very successful in convincing interested parties of the company and winning them over as customers.


New call-to-action


When people talk about FinTechs today, this is to be understood as a collective term for modern technologies and innovations in the field of financial services that are related to increasing digitization. New players are appearing on the playing field that was previously reserved for more traditional banks and financial institutions, offering new options for financial services.

\nThese can be processes, products or offerings such as digital innovations and smart convenience functions in smartphone banking of the so-called neo-banks, or the automation of investment advice and financing by so-called robo advisors. Tools such as mobile payment or crowdfunding or lending also fall into this area. FinTechs therefore use digital technologies and like to compete with the purely traditional companies in the industry. Their goal is to fundamentally change the traditional branch-based business models and to develop them further in such a way that they can offer customers completely new solutions and services.","rssSummaryFeaturedImage":"","scheduledUpdateDate":0,"screenshotPreviewTakenAt":1645608235779,"screenshotPreviewUrl":"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubshot/22/02/23/1bebd3e3-778c-4248-b179-9a78c61d8903.png","sections":{},"securityState":"NONE","siteId":null,"slug":"en/blog/why-every-fintech-company-needs-a-chatbot","stagedFrom":null,"state":"PUBLISHED","stateWhenDeleted":null,"styleOverrideId":null,"subcategory":"normal_blog_post","syncedWithBlogRoot":true,"tagIds":[],"tagList":[],"tagNames":[],"teamPerms":[],"templatePath":"","templatePathForRender":"generated_layouts/33334277900.html","textToAudioFileId":null,"textToAudioGenerationRequestId":null,"themePath":null,"themeSettingsValues":null,"title":"Why every FinTech Company needs a Chatbot","tmsId":null,"topicIds":[],"topicList":[],"topicNames":[],"topics":[],"translatedContent":{"de":{"ab":false,"absoluteUrl":"https://www.aiaibot.com/de/blog/warum-jedes-fintech-unternehmen-einen-chatbot-braucht","approvalStatus":null,"archived":false,"archivedInDashboard":false,"audienceAccess":"PUBLIC","authorName":null,"businessUnitId":0,"campaign":null,"campaignName":null,"created":1631095935975,"currentState":"PUBLISHED","htmlTitle":"Warum jedes FinTech Unternehmen einen Chatbot braucht","id":54793662856,"language":"de","mab":false,"masterId":null,"name":"Warum jedes FinTech Unternehmen einen Chatbot braucht","password":null,"previewKey":"TtqKvCdE","publicAccessRules":[],"publicAccessRulesEnabled":false,"publishDate":1633010107000,"published":true,"resolvedDomain":"www.aiaibot.com","securityState":"NONE","slug":"de/blog/warum-jedes-fintech-unternehmen-einen-chatbot-braucht","state":"PUBLISHED","tagIds":[18598387087],"teamPerms":[],"themePath":null,"updated":1641467774809,"updatedById":4701442}},"translatedFromId":54793662856,"translations":{"de":{"ab":false,"absoluteUrl":"https://www.aiaibot.com/de/blog/warum-jedes-fintech-unternehmen-einen-chatbot-braucht","approvalStatus":null,"archived":false,"archivedInDashboard":false,"audienceAccess":"PUBLIC","authorName":null,"businessUnitId":0,"campaign":null,"campaignName":null,"created":1631095935975,"currentState":"PUBLISHED","htmlTitle":"Warum jedes FinTech Unternehmen einen Chatbot braucht","id":54793662856,"language":"de","mab":false,"masterId":null,"name":"Warum jedes FinTech Unternehmen einen Chatbot braucht","password":null,"previewKey":"TtqKvCdE","publicAccessRules":[],"publicAccessRulesEnabled":false,"publishDate":1633010107000,"published":true,"resolvedDomain":"www.aiaibot.com","securityState":"NONE","slug":"de/blog/warum-jedes-fintech-unternehmen-einen-chatbot-braucht","state":"PUBLISHED","tagIds":[18598387087],"teamPerms":[],"themePath":null,"updated":1641467774809,"updatedById":4701442}},"tweet":null,"tweetAt":null,"tweetImmediately":false,"unpublishedAt":0,"updated":1645608230342,"updatedById":4701442,"upsizeFeaturedImage":false,"url":"https://www.aiaibot.com/en/blog/why-every-fintech-company-needs-a-chatbot","useFeaturedImage":true,"userPerms":[],"views":0,"visibleToAll":null,"widgetContainers":{},"widgetcontainers":{},"widgets":{"location":{"body":{"value":"Zürich"},"child_css":{},"css":{},"deleted_at":1571035161349,"id":"location","label":"Location","name":"location","order":2,"smart_type":null,"type":"textarea"},"module_1560430494119666":{"body":{"definition_id":null,"field_types":{"background_image_1":"image","background_image_2":"image","landing_cta":"cta","landing_image_logotype":"image","landing_text_first":"richtext","landing_text_third":"richtext"},"landing_cta":"74500c0d-961d-4dc9-a59a-7d5d485bb7cb","module_id":8295346,"path":"/clickray/aiaibot19/modules/page/ab19 - landing-we-are","per_widget_wrapper_html":"","smart_objects":null,"smart_type":"NOT_SMART","tag":"module","type":"module","widget_name":"ab19 - landing-we-are","wrap_field_tag":"div","wrapping_html":""},"child_css":{},"css":{},"deleted_at":1571035161349,"id":"module_1560430494119666","label":"ab19 - landing-we-are","module_id":8295346,"name":"module_1560430494119666","order":15,"smart_type":null,"type":"module"},"module_156516034530496":{"body":{"definition_id":null,"field_types":{"background_image_desktop":"image","background_image_mobile2":"image","subtitle":"richtext","title":"text"},"module_id":8882523,"path":"/clickray/aiaibot19/modules/blog/ab19 - event detail banner copy","per_widget_wrapper_html":"","smart_objects":null,"smart_type":"NOT_SMART","subtitle":"

Das Team von aiaibot ist unterwegs an verschiedenen Chatbot Events anzutreffen und veranstaltet Chatbot Breakfasts für Agenturen. Triff uns und erfahre mehr über das Thema Chatbots und die aiaibot Chatbot-Software.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Deine Aufgaben

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You want to learn more about Chatbots?


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Der Chatbot ist die perfekte Ergänzung für deine Weihnachtskampagnen! In diesem Artikel zeigen wir dir, wie du den Chatbot für deine Weihnachtskommunikation nutzen kannst.


Ob als interaktiver Adventskalender oder zur Bekanntmachung einer Weihnachtspromotion – mit dem Chatbot setzt du deine Ideen schnell und einfach in die Tat um.


Weihnachten steht vor der Tür und somit die für viele Unternehmen umsatzstärkste Zeit des Jahres. Gerade im E-Commerce oder generell im Handel geht es mit den letzten Wochen des Jahres in die entscheidende Phase.


Das Ziel von Unternehmen ist es dann, mit den Usern zu interagieren und mithilfe dieser Interaktion zusätzliche Leads zu generieren. Der Chatbot ist die perfekte Ergänzung für deine Weihnachtskampagnen! In diesem Artikel stellen wir dir 6 Ideen vor, wie du den Chatbot ganz einfach und erst noch gewinnbringend in deine Weihnachtskommunikation einbinden kannst.




1. Der Weihnachtspromo-Bot


Bietest du Produkte oder Services an, die besonders zu Weihnachten spannend sind für potenzielle Kunden oder exklusiv nur während dieser Zeit erhältlich? Oder willst du deine Angebote mit attraktiven Weihnachtsrabatten bewerben und somit deinen Verkauf ankurbeln?


Ein Chatbot kann auf deiner Website die User direkt ansprechen und sie so auf deine Weihnachtspromotion aufmerksam machen! Während der Website-Besucher also auf deiner Website nach dem passenden Angebot sucht, bietest du via Chatbot proaktiv deinen Rabattcode oder deine Weihnachtsspecials an.


Wenn du z.B. auf anderen Plattformen Werbeanzeigen wie Online-Banner schaltest, kannst du diese direkt auf die Landingpage mit deinem Chatbot verweisen. Er begrüsst dann deine potenziellen Kunden und bietet ihnen deine Weihnachtspromotion sympathisch und interaktiv an.




2. Der virtuelle Geschenke-Berater


Was schenke ich meiner Freundin und mit welchem Geschenk mache ich meinem Vater eine Freude? Jahr für Jahr zerbricht man sich den Kopf bei der Suche nach dem perfekten Präsent. Gerade wenn du einen eCommerce betreibst und darunter potenzielle Weihnachtsgeschenke anbietest, ist ein Chatbot der perfekte Geschenke-Berater für deine Website-Besucher!


Mit einem interaktiven Frage-Antwort-Dialog kannst du den User zum passenden Geschenk und direkt bis hin zum Warenkorb lenken. Der Kunde ist glücklich über die Beratung und die Hilfe bei der Geschenkesuche und du erzielst auf diese Weise zusätzliche Verkäufe.




3. Der interaktive Adventskalender-Bot


Adventskalender – auch an ihnen kommt man während der Vorweihnachtszeit nicht vorbei. Eine super einfache Art und Weise, deinen Website-Besuchern täglich etwas zu bieten, ist der Adventskalender-Chatbot. Jeden Tag begrüsst er deine User mit einer anderen Geschichte, einer Promotion oder einem Wettbewerb. Deiner Kreativität sind keine Grenzen gesetzt!


Egal, ob du jeden Tag ein anderes Angebot präsentieren oder einfach eine unterhaltsame Geschichte erzählen willst, dein User freut sich über die Überraschungen, die dein Chatbot ihm bietet und du unterscheidest dich klar von allen anderen herkömmlichen Online-Wettbewerben.


Wenn du beispielsweise jeden Tag ein Produkt verlost, kannst du zahlreiche Kontaktadressen sammeln und diese im Nachgang als Leads bearbeiten. Die User sind eher gewillt, ihre Kontaktdaten dem sympathischen Advents-Bot anzugeben als dazu, ein klassisches Wettbewerb-Formular auszufüllen.




4. Was-koche-ich-an-den-Festtagen-Bot


Die Familie hat sich angemeldet und erwartet ein wahres Festessen! Doch was zauberst du auf den Tisch? Gerade für Online-Supermärkte, Foodblogs oder Lieferdienste ist der Chatbot die perfekte Ergänzung während der Festtage.


Als Berater führt er die User mit gezielten Fragen zum passenden Rezept oder Menü. Dieser Chatbot lässt sich im Laufe des Jahres auch auf andere saisonale Spezialitäten und Gerichte anpassen.




5. Weihnachts-Brand Chatbot


Auch wenn für dich keine der genannten Weihnachtsideen infrage kommt, kannst du deinen Chatbot während der Feiertage in ein zur Saison passendes Kleid stecken. Setze deinem Bot z.B. eine Nikolausmütze auf oder dekoriere ihn mit einem Bart. So wird er direkt zum Hingucker und weckt bei deinen Website-Besuchern das Interesse für den festlichen Chatbot.


Auch kannst du deine Anrede oder deine Grussformel saisonal anpassen und deinem Besucher frohe Festtage und einen guten Rutsch wünschen. So oder so ist der gebrandete Weihnachts-Chatbot einfach sympathisch und zahlt somit auf dein Unternehmensimage ein.




6. Betriebsferien-Chatbot


Auch wenn du in den Betriebsferien bist und nicht die Möglichkeit hast, innert kurzer Frist zu antworten, kann ein Chatbot deine Ferienvertretung übernehmen und Tag und Nacht für dich die Stellung halten.


Der Chatbot kann während deiner Abwesenheit potenzielle Kunden beraten, Termine vereinbaren und Kontaktdaten sammeln. Kommst du dann aus den Weihnachtsferien zurück, erwartet dich eine zweite Bescherung an potenziellen Neukunden!












Viele KMUs oder Agenturen nutzen die Zeit über Weihnachten und Neujahr, um eine kleine Pause einzulegen. Viele Kunden oder Lieferanten sind während dieser Zeit ebenfalls in den Weihnachtsferien oder haben zumindest die Produktion reduziert. Dennoch nutzen potenzielle Kunden die ruhigen Tage zur Online-Recherche und gelangen auf deine Website.




Das sind 6 Ideen, wie du den Chatbot als saisonalen digitalen Kontaktkanal einsetzen kannst. Starte noch heute mit deinem Chatbot – die Erstellung und Integration in deine Website sind super einfach.


Innert weniger Stunden ist dein Weihnachts-Bot live!

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· Veröffentlicht am 23.12.2021

When people talk about FinTechs today, this is to be understood as a collective term for modern technologies and innovations in the field of financial services that are related to increasing digitization. New players are appearing on the playing field that was previously reserved for more traditional banks and financial institutions, offering new options for financial services.

These can be processes, products or offerings such as digital innovations and smart convenience functions in smartphone banking of the so-called neo-banks, or the automation of investment advice and financing by so-called robo advisors. Tools such as mobile payment or crowdfunding or lending also fall into this area. FinTechs therefore use digital technologies and like to compete with the purely traditional companies in the industry. Their goal is to fundamentally change the traditional branch-based business models and to develop them further in such a way that they can offer customers completely new solutions and services.

Scalable business model seeks scalable technologies

FinTechs, which are characterized by their high digital affinity, operate exclusively online and aim to optimize or supplement existing technologies, offerings, processes, and products. They thus certainly have the potential to displace or replace established services or providers. Fast, simple, inexpensive, no hidden fees, full control, and this anywhere and at any time are the buzzwords and the trump cards with which they win over new customers or entice them away from competitors elsewhere. The existing classic system of the previous financial institutions and banks is being transformed into a new form, so to speak, which is why the term FinTech is inevitably associated with a strong disruptive component.

At the same time, however, the FinTechs' business model must also have the necessary capacities to grow along with their increasing size. It must be scalable.

At the same time, however, the FinTechs' business model must also have the necessary capacities to grow along with their increasing size. It must be scalable. If more inquiries are received from potential interested parties and existing customers, it must also be possible to process them promptly and efficiently.

Chatbots grow with customer communication

Anyone who is exclusively active online must also offer interaction and communication options that are available around the clock and digitally and offer support. Email or telephone during office hours are not adequate channels for a purely digital company - and do not fit in with the target group, which is also predominantly characterized by a high level of digital affinity.

It is therefore not surprising that there are already a number of FinTechs that have recognized the advantages of chatbots and already count on a bot.

To ensure that FinTechs can still meet these requirements when the company is growing rapidly, the chatbot is the perfect customer touchpoint. The always-available digital helper is available to users at any time and is suitable for countless use cases to help customers resolve their concerns quickly and largely independently. This in turn significantly reduces the request load on the service team and minimizes administrative costs. In addition, a chatbot makes customer communication more varied. All these advantages together significantly improve the customer experience.

It is therefore not surprising that there are already a number of FinTechs that have recognized the advantages of chatbots and already count on a bot. But also originally traditional banks use digital innovative technologies.

Chatbots in use by Swiss FinTechs and banks

In Switzerland, the neobank YAPEAL is successful. It uses the bot «Yapolina» as a new 24/7 communication channel to answer frequent questions of its customers in 4 languages (D, F, Ita, Eng). Currently, Yapolina mainly relieves customer service of standard concerns, but there are plans to further expand Yapolina as a new digital communication channel and use it for various use cases besides FAQs. Another use case is the employee benefits app Frankly. There, chatbot «Flik» communicates with potential customers and efficiently convinces them to create a Pillar 3A account at Zürcher Kantonalbank.

FinTechs should not do without a chatbot

An online presence of an up-and-coming FinTech is simply not complete without a chatbot, because customers can quickly find answers to their questions through the digital assistant, are directed to the right subpages or to forms, and can solve many of their concerns directly on their own. This gives them the feeling of being well looked after all round, because personal is also possible digitally. And most importantly, chatbots are infinitely scalable - they can handle an unlimited number of requests synchronously and continue to evolve, adding new use cases as and when they are needed. With a chatbot, FinTechs also position themselves as digitally affine at first glance and thus underscore their vision of pure online business. 

The two examples from the financial sector mentioned above clearly show that the chatbot channel is already firmly established among customers and enjoys great popularity.

The two examples from the financial sector mentioned above clearly show that the chatbot channel is already firmly established among customers and enjoys great popularity. They no longer use it only in their free time, but are also happy to handle more confidential matters, such as finance and banking issues, via the digital assistant. The bot also saves them valuable time by directing them to the information, services or forms they are looking for, or by helping them with downloads. They therefore like to consult the bots frequently, thereby relieving the burden on other communication channels such as email or telephone. In this way, these bots also do an excellent job in the area of marketing and sales and are very successful in convincing interested parties of the company and winning them over as customers.

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Dennis is an expert in Chatbots & Artificial Intelligence and is passionate about these because in customer communication they help to significantly improve both efficiency and customer experience.

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